Chapter 2

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Pic of Ally ^^^

Bella's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Bloody hell." I moaned into my pillow, as I rolled over to switch my insisting alarm off. I sluggishly walked towards my bathroom, yawning like the bloody cow that I am. Today was the first day of school, well technically it's the second day but as usual I missed my first day because I was enjoying the beaches and the babes in Spain.

After taking the quickest shower and getting myself ready, I walked to my closet and picked out an outfit for today that consisted of my high-waist black skinny ripped jeans and a short-sleeved grey crop top that has 'I Have Nothing To Wear' written on it paired with my black converse. I decided to let my hair air dry, and only applied a layer of mascara and a light pinkish lipstick, making it look like it was my lip colour, as my make up. 'Meh not bad' I thought to myself while looking at my mirror.

I grabbed my galaxy printed backpack, and made my way downstairs. I saw my family sitting around the kitchen counter having breakfast without me, freakin traitors. 'Morning Fam Jam, thanks for waiting for me.' I greeted as I grabbed a green apple from the basket and made my way around the corner.

'Sorry honey, but you know no one can resist my cooking.' My mom replied sarcastically, her green eyes gleaming at me. My brother chuckled and nodded his head agreeing with my mom. He's probably doing that just so that they can take money from her later on.

'Ha, mom your jokes are getting funnier.' I grinned at her, finishing my apple and throwing it in the bin. She stuck her tongue out at me and continued eating her breakfast.

'Anyways I'm off guys, adios.' I waved, blowing them a kiss and headed for the door.

'Try not to kill yourself on that stupid bike of yours.' My mom replied back.

'I'll try.'

I opened the garage door and there it was, my baby, my black beauty, my pride and joy standing proudly next to my mom's van. I've worked for four summers to save up for my motorcycle. Tying my hair into a ponytail I placed the helmet on, revved out of the garage and made my way to school. It was a ten-minute drive from my house, so I reached there with more than enough time to see my girls before my class. 

I entered the school's parking lot and looked for a parking spot when I found two empty spots a bit to the front, I waited for the car in front of me to perfect its parking which took five minutes on its own. Holy crap who gives these people a damn license. Finally, the guy parked it and as I made my way to my parking a black jeep drives past me and takes my spot.

'Are you shitting me.' I yelled as three guys go out of the car that just parked in my space, laughing at something that is most probably stupid and acting like they didn't just take my spot. I hopped off my bike, taking my helmet off which resulted in my chocolate brown hair  cascading down to my waistline as it broke free from my hair tie, I stormed angrily towards the cabrón that was driving that bleeping jeep muttering a few colourful words in Spanish, already irritated at the idiot that couldn't park to save his life and now at this little shit who thinks he can take anyone's spot.

'What the hell is wrong with you? You took my bloody spot.' I yelled at the driver dude, shoving him a bit backward.

'Hey what the hell?" He looked surprised as I invaded his personal bubble. I kind of froze when I took a good look at him, he's around 6'0 maybe 6'1 with a fit body that made me want to lift his shirt just to check if he had abs okay who am I kidding he definitely looked like he has abs and mama likey, a mop of dark brown hair on his head, and the greenest eyes I've ever seen were staring at me with mild surprise. Oh and did I mention he has a beard that was so on point? Like damn boy did you have to be so yummy... wait what?

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