Chapter 4

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Not feeling like getting up I get up to get ready for work. This feeling of loneliness overtake me and I slung back onto my bed. Something is missing in my life. Lying looking up at the ceiling. Why? Why does everything always go wrong when I think that I am happy? I was so wrong when I told Kitta that I am happy again. My heart is still broken after everything. I don't love him no more. I don't miss him. I just feel lost and lonely even if I am surrounded with people. 

My thoughts get interrupted with a knock on the door. I sit up and look at the door realizing  tears  was rolling down my cheeks. I quickly swipe them away.

'Come in' I say with a soft voice. It nearly sounded like a croak.

The door opens and Roberto pokes his head in with a smile on his lips. He steps in with a tray. 

'Morning Miss AlexSa. What a lovely Friday morning it is. Wow why are you still in your cloths of yesterday?' He ask while he puts the tray on my table next to me.

'I was to tired to take a shower last night. And right now I feel like just not even going into work either'

'Well Miss you can always stay home. I will call Mr. Skylar and let him know you are feeling ill'

'Thank you Roberto, but I will just need to get up and go into work. This is just me being really lazy. You know when my Uncle was alive he never tolerated laziness.' I smiled when my thoughts went to my dear beloved Uncle.

'He was a great man. Is there anything else I can do for you?'

'No, thank you Roberto, please tell Stella I say thank you for the breakfast'

With that Roberto walks out of the room. I got up and walked into the bathroom to put the shower on while I got my clothes out for the day. After I am done with everything I went down stairs.

'Miss Rodriguez, Roberto said that I can wait down here for you.'

I pause at the bottom step and look straight into Kristoff's blue eyes. He is so close to me I can smell the cologne he is wearing. 

'Well Mr. Skylar what can I do for you? I was on my way to go to work. I would have seen you at the office. What is so urgent that you needed to give me a visit at home?'

'No it is not something you can do for me but what I can do for you. Roberto phoned me and said he is worried about you and don't want you to drive. Before you interrupt me and say that you have a driver. Roberto also said that your driver phoned in and said he is sick and will not be able to drive you in to work or anywhere else today. Since your house are on my way to work I said that I will come and collect you. Seems like we will be spending the day together'

I glared at Roberto who just walked into the voyeur.   

'Roberto I am quite fine. It was not needed for you to call Mr. Skylar. I am able to drive me to work and home.' 

I turned my face to Kristoff taking his hand that is held out to help me down the last step. 

'Thank you Mr. Skylar. But I am fine to drive myself. No need for your concern about me.'

I side step Kristoff to walk to the wall were my car keys are hanging but before I could take the keys Kristoff take me by the arm and pull me against him. I look up at him with my hands pushed up against his chest. He smiles down at me with a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. Am I imagining it or is his eyes half shade of purple? No that can't be. Before I can pull away he takes a strand of my hair out of my face and I feel myself completely freeze on the spot I am standing. A shock of electricity shot through my body as a memory flash through me. Like I am suppose to be standing here in his arms. A feeling like I should know him as if we are very old friends or lovers.. Wait lovers? Am I totally going of my rocker? Yeah I am completely loosing it.

'AlexSa I said that I will be driving you to work and where ever you want to go today. With that I can maybe learn a thing or two from you.'

I push him away and look back around to see if Roberto saw what just happened but he was nowhere to be seen. Turning back looking at Kristoff and straightening my red dress as if I am grossed out of him touching me.

'Okay it is fine but don't touch me ever without my permission Mr. Skylar'

'Aww are you afraid of Mr. Tight Ass touch? Don't worry I will not touch you again but I don't mind if you touch me instead.' he smirks like he just won the lottery.

'Stop flattering yourself Mr. Skylar. Jeez how many time do I need to tell you that. I sound like a cd that was put on repeat. You have an ego bigger then an elephant, no let me correct myself bigger then my house.' I say as I slap him against the shoulder as I walk past him out the door.

'Bye Roberto, I will see you tonight' I scream back into the house.

My eyes nearly climbed out of its sockets when I saw the black car standing in the drive way. 

'You drive a Koenigsegg One?! V8 engin correct? Top speed 248mp?'

'Yes to all the questions. 2015 model. I love fast cars. What can I say I wanted one and I got myself one with a big struggle.'

He walks past me and hold the passenger door open. I stood frozen once again just looking at this beauty of a car. Still stunned that this car of all cars are standing in my drive way.

'AlexSa you need to snap out of your day dreaming. We are going to be late for work even if we are the owners we need to set an example for our employees.'

'Oh sorry Mr. Skylar. I just love cars. Let's be on our way' I jump like a kid off the step walking to the car.

Kristoff helps me into the car and shut the door. The drive to work was quite as I look at the trees and houses zoom by. 

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