Chapter 12

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A/N: I know that I have gone MIA for a while and that this is the first update in a month or so. I am really sorry for that but work has been keeping me really busy. I can't promise that I will not be gone again as my work is unpredictable as I am also in an Event company. But I can promise that I will update every time I have a little breather from work. This chapter is different from the rest. I hope you guys like it. Don't hesitate to comment and ask questions.

Happy Reading.

Alet :)

Kristoff POV:

Her words stung me and her pushing me away shocked me completely. I jumped back from her realizing what I have done. She hates it when I touch her and her words of this morning comes back to me where she asked me not to touch her. And what did I just do? I did the one thing she asked me not to do. Looking at her standing up and fixing her dress and shoes.

'AlexSa I am sorry. I didn't mean to touch you actually screw it. I really wanted to touch you really bad. You are too beautiful to resist at all.'

'Kristoff just stop. It is fine, I just want to go home.'

Turning around I walk out of the room. Out of the corner of my eye I see her following me down the long hall and down the stairs where I find Andre coming in from the outside.

'Andre I know you just pulled in my car but could you please take Miss. Rodriguez home as I can't do it myself. I have some unfinished business to take care of.'

'Yes sir'

I watch as they walk out of the house. AlexSaturning around to look at me one last time before she disappears out the door. When I hear the car pull away from the house I let out a frustrated grunt sliding my hands through my hair letting my hands come back to my face as I rub my eyebrows feeling like a complete idiot.

Stalking back up the stairs to my room. Stepping inside reminds me of what happened in here a few minutes ago. Everything was fine until.. Until what? I don't know what made her react the way she did.

'Fuck what did I do wrong?' my scream echoed through my room. Sitting down on the bed where we were mere minutes ago looking at where her body was beneath me and have wrinkled my duvet.

I am going to need one hell of long cold shower because I can still feel the heels of her shoes sliding up my leg and pushing me closer to her. I can still smell her perfume and her hair. Just like I can still feel her soft skin pressed against me.

She is mine. No scratch that I am hers and she doesn't even know it yet. If she only knew what is truly going on I think she might just understand why I don't want her near my brother. He isn't just going to hurt her but he will destroy her beautiful soul. We might be twins and love each other dearly but when it comes to her I will kill him if needed.

Getting up I take a quick shower. As I step out of the bathroom I hear a door open and close from down stairs. That doesn't make sense because Andre can't be home yet from dropping of AlexSa. Her house is a little further away closer to work then my house.

'Kristoff?! Andre?! Are anyone home?' I hear my brother call from down stairs.

'I am home Brian. Just give me a second. Just need to get dressed. Make yourself at home while you wait'

'Sure man'

Grabbing my sweat pants and black t-shirt I put it on quickly. I barely had my shirt on when Brian came walking into my room.

'You had her at your house?' he growl at me looking at me.

'It is none of your business Brian if I did or not. I am in control of what I do or not do and not you.'

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