Chapter 9

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Kimberley POV:

“You got her one babe?” I ask. She looks rather upset almost as though shes been crying?

“Yeah here Nic.” She virtually throws it her and walks into the kitchen without another word.

Sarahs being as loud as anything as usual. She was on straight vodka so it wouldn’t be long before she passed out. I don’t go after Chez because I know when she’s like this she just needs space and will tell me in her own time. I was having a good time anyway and I was on the verge of being drunk.

“Whats up with our Chez?” Nadine asks me directly before standing up.

“I honestly don’t know Nads. She’ll be fine in a bit.” I slur back. I grab three shots and down them in a row. One after another and I knew it would be these and whatever else I drink after that will give me the killer hangover tomorrow.

“I’ll check then shall i?” she seems a bit annoyed at the fact that ive not checked on her but like I said I do know her the most. She likes her space. I give her a sad smile and then shes gone. Stormed of to the kitchen.

“Come on then Kimbles get your juicy ass over here and bring some snacks.” Nicola is way out of it so all I can do is just agree and get her what she needs because if any of us know whats best for us then we should obey her wishes, especially when shes drunk.

I stall as much as I can in the mean-time because I don’t want to walk in to the kitchen if Chez is crying her eyes out because I know when im like this I’ll probably say all the wrong things and make it worse. If there was anyone that could help her at the moment it was Diney.

To my surprise she wasn’t crying but she was smoking away like a train. It must be bad because she doesn’t usually smoke unless shes stressed. I couldn’t help but ask if she was okay because I want her to always be okay, I love her and want her to be happy 24/7.

“You alright gorgeous? Is something bothering you… you don’t usually smoke that’s all and here you are smoking like a chimney.” I slurred a few of the words and gave a slight laugh at the end trying to lighten the mood.

“I will be.” She wasn’t giving me full answers and never looked me in the eye. I was seriously getting worried. She didn’t even complement me or call me ‘babe’ either so… Then it all clicked into place. T-shirt. Letter. My draw. Cheryl. SHIT!

I didn’t know whether to bring it up and ask if she’d seen it or wait until the girls had gone. Maybe she hasn’t seen it. Maybe she got a phone call or something. No. I was just looking for every excuse for this not to be real. How do I explain that because I know she’ll think the worst. I mean theres nothing that bad about it is there? I ignored it?

“KIMMM! FOOOD NOW!” I was interrupted by Nic screaming at the top of her lungs and Sarah laughing her head off. Before I leave to go back to them two I looked at Nad who just shrugged her shoulders.

An hour or so later I’d slowed down on the drinking as I had my mind on other things. But Chez was back with us all, off her face on a variety of alcohols. She pulls me into her lap and starts kissing me whispering seductive things in my ear whilst sliding the hands up my thigh under my dress.

“Oh come on guys save it until we leave please.” Nic slurred whilst giggling at herself.

Maybe she doesn’t care about it if she’s seen it. She seems bubbly and cheery now. But maybe its just the alcohol. What would tomorrow bring?

Cheryls POV:

Im trying to get as much alcohol into my system as possible. I think Kims realised ive found it shes gone very quiet. It hurts but I don’t know the whole story but when I ask her about it, if I ask her about it, I want the truth. I love Kimberley don’t get me wrong but ill be out the door if she tarts lying to me now. Shes never lied to me before were always honest with eachother. I cant believe it though we’ve not been together two minutes and somethings already creeped up. Is that a sign of how the rest of our time together is going to be? I didn’t want to think about it yet especially when I know im drunk. I haven’t had straight vodka since I was 17 because it sent me crazy. Like I act like I should be in a mental institute. But tonight I was having some!

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