Chapter 19

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Kimberleys POV:

After a huge and exhausting dance rehearsal. We had to be ready in an hour to do an interview with Jonathan Ross to officially tell everyone about the comeback tour.

Surprisingly Chez was ready before me and Nads,Nic and Sarah were being told the sort of stuff to include.

“You look stunning.” I pout my lips asking for a kiss from Chez which of course she obliges.

“Thank you babe so do you…but then again you’d look better without anything on.” She whispers the last part in my ear as she figured that would be too much for people to hear. I playfully smack her arm and then Nic bounds up to Chez grabbing her arse.

“Oi leave that alone that’s mine.” I wink at Nic who lets go and laughs before bouncing over to check her hair in the mirrors.

“You seen the papers?” Chez asked me.

“No babe actually why? Something happened.”  I asked concerned incase it was anything bad to do with us.

“No…well nothing bad anyway in this one for once. Just an article about our new found love and some comments and tweets they’ve pictured of celebs opinions.”

“And…are they good?” I asked curious for an answer. She doesn’t say anything just hands me the paper. After a few minutes of reading I put it down.

“Its not that bad. Most seem happy.” I was really relieved actually when I had finished. It also calmed some of the nerves I had about this interview. The studio had made one half of the audience places for Girls aloud fans as it was our first ‘important’ interview.

After moping back stage we were finally ready to go on to air.

“Ladies and gentlemen GIRLS ALOUD!” we walked on to loads of cheering and screaming and clapping.

“Hello hello hello.” He said after it had calmed down and we were all sat down.

“Hey” we all replied in unison.

“How are you girls? Been busy?” he asks, a smile on his face. On the sofa it was Me then chez then Nic then Saz then Nads.

“We are fine thank youh! We have been soo busy its unreal.” Nads replies flashing her beautiful smile.

“Its great I also forget how amazing your accent is Nads its brilliant.” He says laughing.

After a few more questions he asked us what we had planned.

“Well we have something very special for all our fans coming up.” I say chipping in and contributing.

“OOO exciting stuff can you share.”

“Actually for once we can” Saz laughs.

“Were going on tour!” we all say.

“Really! That’s amazing so whats this a reunion?” he asks sounding very excited himself.

“Yeah we thought we’ve took a break for a bit to long and what way to come back when its our 10th anniversary!” Chez says. I look at her and smile placing my hand on her knee, which didn’t go unnoticed by Jonathan but I didn’t moved it.

“So when can your fans get tickets for this and when are the tour dates.”

“It starts in just over a month and tickets are available next Saturday! Nic asks adding an exciting squeal at the end.

“We will be announcing the places and dates before then so watch out guys.” I say earning a cheer from the crowd.

“So moving on from this exciting stuff to more exciting stuff, I have to ask, theres a relationship blossoming within the group correct?” he asks looking directly at me and Chez.

“That’s true.” Cheryl giggles looking at me.

“So you and Kim, that’s different does it make things harder at work and does it not strain your relationship with having to work together.”

“Not at all, I mean ask me in a few weeks and I might change me mind.” Cheryl laughs and I throw her a shock look but jokingly. “ but seriously if im honest it feels a lot better having Kim with me its like a bit of home you know.” Chez smiles.

“Yeah luckily for me Chez is good when it comes to me feeling exhausted or tired so it helps more that shes there to look after me.” The audience coo and give us some aww’s.

“You were friends before this though weren’t you, you were like tight? Did none of you girls see this coming.”

“I had me suspicions but you never really think do ya. But no we love them all them same and were all happy for them.” Nic says stroking my back a little.


We all look out to the audience. My first fear was that I knew who this person was but luckily it wasn’t.

“Excuse me?” Nadine says in her thick accent. It seems to come out stronger the more annoyed she is.

Its wrong its unnatural.

“Its not unnatural your just a narrow minded tw@!” Saz shouts back before stopping incase she wasn’t allowed to say that. “ sorry Jonathan.”

“No that’s fine, can we have him out of here please.” He says to the security.

I look over to Cheryl shaking her head and getting teary eyed. The camera pans onto her and obviously the audience can see it and that’s when it erupts.

The GA fans start chanting. WE LOVE CHIM. WE LOVE CHIM. And then everyone was joining in. throwing other comments in there like DON’T LISTEN TO THEM WE SUPPORT YOU!

We couldn’t keep the smile of our faces. Sarah was giving it some as well.

After it died down we finished the interview about 5 minutes later and was all backstage.

“Well we have amazing fans” Nic said to me and Cheryl who were sharing a chair and also trying to fight to win my jumper.

“Yeah we do. I don’t even know what we worried about.” I say finally giving in and letting Chez take it.

“Your not bothered about the negative ones then?”

“No why should we bother there obviously not loyal fans or friends so fuck them.” I say proudly. Cheryl was stuck in the jumper and Nic and I laughed before she turned around and went to get changed. I stood up from the chair and helped Chez get it over her head getting rewarded with a kiss.

“Give over girls we need to go.” Hilary chuckled.

Once we were all in the car Sarah being Sarah thought we should have a few drinks together before our really busy schedule kicked in.

“Yes why not! Get the voddys out!” Chez said happily fist pumping.

“What are you doing?” I laughed at Chez’s dance moves. “Anyway no vodkas for you!”

She couldn’t really argue so she blobbed her tongue out instead. All I knew was if it was like our previous ‘nights out before tour’ we were in for a long messy night!

Two chapters for you ;) let me know what you think... love hearing your guys' opinions

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