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I walk down stairs. "Kate your going to be adopted" says Ms.harper with tears of joy.
"Um ok" I reply and I walk back up to the room and I get the plastic target bag that Mr.harper gave me then I pack all my stuff including the pillow that I was not supposed to take.

Once they were here to pick me up I put on my cheap white shoes that has a bunch of disgusting stains on them and walk out to the black van that is parked in front of the abandoned looking orphanage.

"I hope that's them" I say to myself I jump in the van with just a little bit of worry When I saw them the couple that had adopted me 4 years ago and That I have been taking away from also I had to move to America from Canada. I try to jump out of the car before we left but they had locked the doors.

Once they stopped for gas I try bust my elbow through the window and it hurt so bad then I ran into the gas station ask the person at the front counter if they had a phone When he handed me the phone I dial the number for the cops.
When the cops arrived I tell them what's wrong and the people who kidnapped/adopted me.

So after they came the put hand cuffs on the couple and then they take the couple and me to the cop station to ask questions and to look at the couple criminal records they said we never had to go to court. After that the cops took me to a house so I can live a normal life when I get there I walk in the door OH MY GOD WHO IS THAT?.


I hope you liked this chapter! Oh and I wonder who is the person that Kate is looking at?
Anyways bye!😊

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