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Kate's p.o.v

I get out of the car then me and Ashton walk into a building that says "go karting" on the front of it. "Kate how about we get in a kart together?" Asks Ashton "no, I'm going to sit in a little thing that moves while your driving it. I will get my own kart." I say as we enter the building.

"Welcome, do you guys need two karts today?" A man asks us as we approach the front desk "yes please" Ashton says "ok follow me" the man says as we walk over to the track.

"Ok are we all ready to go?" He asks as the twelve of us are gripping our wheel and our foot barely touching the gas peddle and we all say "yes". "Ok one, two, three, go!" The man yell's and we all slam our foot on the gas peddle. I scream as a little boy passes me and I almost lose control of my kart.

"I am going to win" Ashton says  while he is almost at the finish line, I pass him and I take first place. "Good job Kate here is a ten dollar coupon for free pizza" the man says as I walk over to him and I take the piece of paper and I say "thank you" and smile.

We walk out to our car and we drive off to get our ten dollar pizza at a little pizzeria down the street.


"So can we go zip lining next" Ashton suggests.

I know an update was long over due. Ok so I have a lot of homework and I also have like 3 or 4 tests coming up so I need to study for that so I won't be able to update till maybe mid November? I don't know also we hit 1.58k recently!! So that's really good and I know this chapter is short like always but I was debating if I should of wrote this or not but I wrote is anyways so that's also good hehe but happy early Halloween! but on till next time bye!

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