Chapter Sixteen: Shopping Trips and Diasters

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“Aw, okay you two can go do whatever you two want now. I’ll leave you alone for now.” I told them. They barely acknowledge me as they looked at each other. They gave me a quick nod as I left. I shut the door behind them as they did their couple-y stuff.

Hallie’s POV

“You know, I still haven’t taken you on our first date.” Zayn whispered as our faces were just centimeters away and our noses touched. I didn’t say anything as we closed our eyes and slowly learned in until our lips connected with each other. I smiled as we kissed. I felt happy –real happiness- with Zayn.

“I don’t care where you take me as long as we are together.” I pulled away from him and told him. He smiled and gave him a kiss on my nose.

“Alright, I’ll take you tomorrow at one.” He said. I was going to ask where and what kind of clothes to wear but Zayn beat it to me. “Wear something casual and no I am not telling you where we are going.” He told me. I gave a pout to show my disappointment that he wouldn’t tell me where we were going.


“No, but you look adorable like that.” He said giving me a swift kiss. He started for the door and left me alone in the room. “Bye.” Was the last thing he said before he left the room. I stood there dumbfounded and was alone for only a couple minutes before El crashed into the room.

“What did you guys do? More making out, what? Zayn looked super happy what happened.” She started jumping up and down in excitement. I shook my head and smiled at what Zayn said earlier.

“He’s going to take me out on a date.” I told her. El looked like she was going to die from happiness as she started jumping up and down again. She let out a squeal and pulled me up out of the sofa.

“Oh my god, that’s amazing! Wait, I am getting a text.” She stopped and looked at her text before replying as she looked at me. “Get dressed for the mall; we are going to meet my friend, Dani. She’s Liam’s girlfriend.” She pulled me to her room and showed me her closet in Louis’s room. Louis shrugged as he saw us and turned on his side facing away from us.

“Why am I coming?” I asked. El ignored me as she picked out an outfit for me.

“I like this one.” She handed me a pink floral shirt with a pair of ankle skinny jeans. “I love how we are the same size.” She nudged me. I rolled my eyes at her. I wore the outfit and was given a pair of black lace-up boots. El looked at me expecting for me to wear them this moment. I did as she told and wore them. She smiled and pulled with her out of the flat. El yelled out a goodbye to everyone and told them I was with her as I tried to crawl out of her uncomfortable death grip on my poor arm.


“Who is this?” A girl with curly long hair asked. She was sipping from a Starbucks cup sitting in front of Starbucks. El ignored us both and went inside of Starbucks. “She does that a lot.” The girl commented.

“Yeah, she does. I’m Hallie.” I told her. She nodded and smiled at me warmly.

“I’m Dani. El calls you the girl Zayn is madly in love with. I need to tell you something important for your safety.” Dani looked at me dead serious. She was about to open her mouth but El came back with her drink happily. Dani nudged her head towards the store. Understanding what she meant, I said.

“I am going to get a drink. Dani come with me. I want to get to know you better.” I fumbled a half-lie. I did want to get to know her but I was doing this so Dani could tell me whatever she had to.

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