Chapter 15: Astrid's Story

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Inside the man's house was cozy and quiet. Everyone sat down on chairs and couches in his living space. "I would offer snacks but we don't really need them." The man said chuckling. Then Lavender noticed that she was not hungry and not thirsty and they had been here a whole day. "I guess Astrid should explain her story first." Astrid sighed and told us her story. "When I was younger I woke up one day and couldn't control a thing I did. I couldn't move and when I did something it was never my brain telling me to do it. It was something else. As I was home and unable to do anything I tried to tell my family but I couldn't talk. Whatever was controlling me didn't let me do anything. Over time I regained some of my abilities and finally told my family. They didn't believe me until one day I stabbed my brother." Here she paused tears once again streamed down her cheeks as she glanced to the man. Which Lavender now knew was her brother. Astrid continued to talk. "The day after I stabbed him both my parents disappeared and were later found in the woods dead." Astrid wiped the tears from her eyes and let out a little laugh. "That's the first time I've ever told someone that." Alexander stood up and sighed. "I've heard this before. I was the one who but you in custody for it. Is there anything else I should know?" Astrid's brother glared daggers at Alexander and started talking. "When she told us about what was happening I didn't believe her which was my mistake and later I was stabbed. When I appeared here I was told you would be with me some day. Of course I figured out where I was. My only question is, if you murdered me even is it wasn't your fault. Shouldn't you have gone to Hell?" Astrid's eyes widened. "What?" Jace stood up and told her, "Heaven and Hell, your life choices depend where you go." Lavender stood up. "But it wasn't her choice to murder you." Astrid this time stood up. "And I'm not dead yet." Her brother stood up quickly. "What?" "I'm not dead we got here through...some sort of light." Her brother nodded his head. "Light rain. The teleport to get from the Overworld to Heaven. They never use it though." Everyone stood silent until Lavender said "the people who controlled you were the people who contacted me?"

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