Chapter One; The Beginning

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There we are, laying in the backyard of the boys new house. Our fingers had gotten laced together and we looked up at the stars. He would point out certain constellations to me and I would attempt to make them out, but I always seemed to fail. At this point I felt as if nothing else in the world could be more perfect than this moment. When I looked over at him his green eyes with little yellow suns were staring at my lips. I immediately began to blush. Before I knew it his lips were inching closer to mine. I began to close my eyes and-

"Emily!" My mother yells from the bottom of the staircase. "Wake up! ts your last day of high school ever!" She finished and I could hear her footsteps leave the base of the stairs.

I externally groaned and rolled out of my bed. Literally. I fell out of my bed and pulled down my red fleece blanket with me. I did not want to wake up from that dream. That always seemed to happen though. You wake up, or someone else wakes you up, at the best part of a dream.

My mom walks into my room and pulls my blanket off of me. I look up at her and sigh.

"I know I need to get ready mom. But at least I'm awake." I smile at her.

She doesn't find this very amusing and just shakes her head. "Come on. If you don't hurry up you're going to be late. You're going to be finished with high school and then you'll be going off to college." She says, there is a hint of sadness in her voice. Seeing as I'm her only child I can tell she will have empty nest syndrome.

"Mom. Why are you stressing about my college? I'm not actually leaving home for two years after that." I say, trying to calm her down.

"I know but you're also going to be gone all summer since you're going with all your friends to LA to stay with Kate's aunt." She sighs.

"I'll be fine mom. I'll call you every day and let you know how I'm doing. And we can always skype chat now and then." I smiled.

"I guess so. But you need to go get ready!" she says.

I nod and grab the dress I picked out. I rush into the bathroom and straighten my hair, apply my make up, slip on my dress, put on a pair of gladiator sandals and wrap a belt around the dress so it looked a bit more casual. I brushed my teeth and then grabbed my keys, bag, and a can of Arizona and head to my car.

Once I arrived at school I put some things into my mostly empty locker and walk into the cafeteria. I see my group of friends sitting at our round table near the windows. They have saved my usual seat. Its weird to say but we have a seating arrangement. It goes myself, Samantha, Kate, Sydnee, Megan, and Shyah. I walk over to the table where I can already hear the girls talking about our trip.

"I still can't believe  my parents are actually letting me go!" Shyah says.

"You seriously have like the coolest aunt ever Kate!" Sydnee exclaims.

Kate laughs a bit. "We leave in three days. Can you believe it?"

I smile a bit. "You think we will see our boys out there?"

Megan and Samantha practically scream when I bring up the boys.

Now you're probably thinking. Boys? What boys?

"If we see Our Second Life boys out in LA I will die of happiness." Samantha sighs happily.

I can already tell she is thinking about Ricky Dillon. But its not like I can talk. All I ever think about is schoolwork, writing, and Connor Franta.

The bell rings for our first class and we all say our goodbyes.


The last bell of the day rings and I'm still in complete shock. I'm done with high school. I have already invited all the girls over so we can make a list of things to pack for the trip. I head out to my car when I see Kate standing next to it. She looked upset. I walk over to her.

"Kate is everything okay?" I ask her, hoping it is.

Kate looked down at the ground. I could tell she was bothered by something. She wasn't bothered by much. She was one of the strongest people I knew.

"I really need to tell you something. I've been hiding it for a long time now. But I have to let the girls know as well. But I wanted to tell you first."

A/N: okay guys! there's the first chapter! sorry if it seems short, I'll make sure the nest chapter is longer but I have a few announcements. As of Monday August 19th I will be starting my first year of college. I won't be able to update as often as I hope people would like. But that doesn't mean I'm just going to abandon the story. But anyways check out the twitter and tumblr for this story! @afatedsummer

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