Chapter 7;; Her Story

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For now on my chapters will alternate between several different characters.

Emmy's POV

Connor kept looking into my eyes. If he would have been nicer to me or at least more friendly I would have thought he might have liked them. I advert my eyes to the ground. He is probably judging how ugly they are. I keep looking at the ground, walking inside. Everyone seems to go there own way. And they all seem to be ignoring the fact that Kate and Sam have their tongues shoved down each others throat.

Before I know it we are walking into Connor's bedroom. I look over at him and he looks upset about something.

"Are you okay?" I ask him softly.

He nods, but just keeps staring at me.

I sit down on his bed and he sits next to me.

I feel so awkward. Which is totally unlike me. I should be fangirling over the fact I am sitting on Connor Franta's bed and he is sitting next to me. But instead I'm scared. Is he going to yell at me or something?

"Tell me." Connor says softly.

I look at him in shock. "Tell you what?"

"Your story. Everything." He says coolly.

I shouldn't tell him, but he is finally acting civil. I nod a bit and plunge into the story

{ just to let you know this is a real story, not made up. This is also taken from my story Thank You. }

"For the longest time I remember not being happy. At all. I think it all started in sixth grade. My parents and I had gone through a really tough time in our lives. Labor day of 2006 my town had a massive thunder storm. This caused roads to flood and several houses to flood as well. My house. We weren't so lucky. We had gotten six to seven feet of water, rising all the way up to the ceiling. We lost ninety five percent of what was in our basement. Then in eight grade I went through a tough struggle with depression. I remember I had planned to kill myself on several occasions. Writing out suicide letters to my parents explaining what had happened. I think a big contribution to that was the fact that my dad and I were constantly fighting. He would grab me by my neck, threaten to hurt me. But things started to change after that. I found YouTube. I found..well I found you Connor." I say softly.

Connor's jaw has dropped. Is he speechless? Or is he just trying to find the right words to make fun of me?

Before I know it Connor's lips are mine. Connor Franta, the boy I've loves since I found him on YouTube, is kissing me. I begin to kiss him back when my mind floods full of the things he has done to wrong me. Sure it hasn't been a lot, but its enough to get me to pull away.

"Why did you do that?" I ask.

"I-I felt bad for you." he said softly.

I stand up. "So you kissed me out of pity?" I said rather harshly and leave his room, walking down the stairs.

Connor frowned. "It's not like that." he say as he follows me down the stairs.

"It's not like what Connor? You were just gonna kiss me, lead me on. Get me to fall for you and then laugh when I admit my feelings for you. Well I'm done being treated like that because thats how all guys treat me and I am sick of it!" I yell.

"Would you just call the fuck down. Jesus." he rolls his eyes.

I am shocked. "Connor fucking Franta. I never want to see you or speak to you ever again."

I look over and see Kian and Shyah. They both look as if they have seen a ghost.

I feel tears filling up my eyes. "I-I have to go." I say and rush out of the house.

I get back to the house we are staying at and rush upstairs to my room. I hate him. I thought he might change. But he won't. He will always be rude to me. The Connor I thought I knew is nothing the one I actually know.

A few minutes later there is a knock at my door. I manage to move myself away from the door. I see Kian, Shyah, Sam, and Kate kneeling down to me. They all look concerned.

"Come on Emmy. Lets get you something to make you feel better." Kate says and I feel Kian pick me up.

We pass by a mirror and I look like death. My mascara has run completely down my face. I'm as pale as a ghost and my eyes are red and puffy from crying so hard. We got into the kitchen and I sit at the table silently as I watch Kate make me a cup of tea. I'm so thankful for my friends.

Connor's POV

Those eyes. I can't stop thinking about them.

Kian has me pressed up to a wall, yelling at me for being such a jerk. But in all honesty I don't care. I just need to see those eyes again. 

I push Kian off of me and walk upstairs. He's pissing me off and I don't need anymore stress than I currently have. I feel the need to punch something. I pace around my room until the house is eerily quiet. I shake my head and go online. My interactions are blowing up, like usual. But this time something doesn't feel right. I look through my mentions and see half of the tweets are asking me if I've changed. I tweet out to see what people mean by changing. Suddenly I see tweets from Kate, Shyah, Sam, and Kian.

"You hurt her."

"She's crying her eyes out."

"You're so incredibly rude to the person who cared about you the most."

But its Kate twitlonger that kills me inside.

"Are you kidding me Connor. You hurt my best friend after she spilled her entire life story to you. You're so incredibly rude. I hope you realize what you've done. But don't even try and talk to her. Because none of us will let you near her. So watch yourself Franta. Or something bad WILL happen."

I sigh and log off my computer after tweeting out that I am going to have a break from twitter for the rest of the weekend.

Kate's POV

I'm making Emmy a cup of tea while Shyah, Kian, and Sam comfort her. I think its working. All the sudden she bursts out into tears. She's looking at her phone.

"Oh shit." Kian says.

"What?" I ask.

"Go look at twitter." Sam says.

I grab my phone and quickly access twitter. All I see are hate tweets directed to her.

"You're the reason Connor isn't on twitter."

"You're probably just started drama for attention."

Then I see the one that will knock her down.

"Whatever you talk to Connor about, you deserved it."

That's when I lose my shit. I sent out a twitlonger and tag Connor in it.

"Emmy ignore those fans. They aren't even real fans if they hurt my girlfriends best friend." Sam says softly.

Emmy nods and we take her back to her room. I hand her her tea and smile. "Drink that and then get a good nights sleep. We are going to go out tomorrow." I say softly. We all leave and turn off the lights, then softly close the door.

We make our way downstairs and all vow that we will never speak of this to anyone else.

Eventually the boys leave and the rest of the girls come home.

Except...someone's not here.

dun dun DUUN I wonder who is gone!? But I hope you liked the chapter. If you guys could I'm trying to reach 1K before my birthday on Thursday on twitter so please please go follow my personal @flowercrown_ash also if you could tweet out to the boys to follow me i'd love you forever. Don't forget to become a fan so you can be notified whenever I release a new chapter and please vote! It really mean a lot to me <3

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