5//Broken wrist

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||Abby's Pov||

My phone started to ring with a FaceTime call. It was from Hunter. "Wassup homie." I smiled as I rode on my board with the wind blowing my hair. "Yoyoyo." He laughed. "Where ya going?" He asked walking down his stairs. "To the park." I said as I got to the side walk. "I wish I was." He said stuffing a chip in his mouth. "Hey! You can't eat in front of me if your not gonna share." I pouted. "You want some?" He laughed. I nodded. "Sike." He said then ate it. "I swear why am I friends with you." I laughed. "Because you looove me." He smiled. I smiled. I walked over to a bench and sat there. "There is nobody here." I sighed. "What are you tryna hook up with a guy? Because uh no you can only have me." He said. "No Hunter." I laughed. "It's just boring with no one here." I added. "True." He said. "I'll play on the playground!" I squealed and hopped up. I set the phone on the table where he could see me. I could hear him laughing. I ran over to the monkey bars and went across them. I tried to grab the last one but missed and fell. I hit the ground. Trying to stop my fall I put my wrist out. "Ow." I said. "Are you okay?! Abby?" Hunter said frantically. "Uh..." I said getting up holding my wrist. "Ouch." I said as I tried to move it. I looked at the camera. "I think I broke my wrist." I said walking to the table. "Then call someone! Hang up on me! Just text me alright. Feel better." He said. I tried to smile. He hung up. I quickly called my mom. "Hey abs." She said. "Uh. I think I broke my wrist.." I said wincing from the pain. "Oh my gosh Abby! I'm coming to get you just stay there." She said fast and hung up. I text Hunter. With one hand which was kind of hard.
🙈~ she's coming to pick me up.
😋~ ok good tell me what happens
🙈~ I will
Just then I saw my mom pull up to the side of the rode. I put my phone in my back pocket and jogged over there. Blake hopped out of the car along with my mom. "Abs what did you do?" She asked looking at it. "I was just climbing the monkey bars and FaceTimeing Hunter and fell." I shrugged. "Your not even crying." Blake smiled. "I know because I'm a strong Abby." I laughed. "Ugh you two. Get the car, I'm taking you to the ER." She said walking me to the back seat. I'm surprised I'm not more freaked about this. "This sucks. Since I'm going to impact and everything." I sighed. "True." Blake said. My mom drove pretty fast. My wrist was all bruised and puffy. "Ok come on." She said as we all got out of the car and quickly walked into the ER. We went to the desk and signed in and there wasn't anyone there at the moment so we were taken straight back to a room. "Hi, I'm Dr. List." A lady smiled. I smiled back. "We think she broke her wrist." My mom spoke up. I lifted the ice bag they had given me and showed her. "Ouch. It does look broken. I'm gonna do an X-ray tell you how everything is." She said. We took the X-ray of my wrist and she went to another room to look at it. "Can you hand me my phone?" I asked Blake. He nodded and pulled it out of his pocket. I had 24 messages. All from Hunter. Mostly were are you okay? And hello?!
🙈~ chill I'm okay😂 they are looking at the X-ray now
I went to Twitter and tweeted out. "Great. Just what I need before a show." Then I got a text from Hunter.
😋~ hope you feel better☺️see ya tomorrow I'm so excited!!
🙈~ same❤️
The nurse walked in with the X-rays. "Well..." She said hooking them up to the screen. "It's definitely broken." She said. She went on and explained everything. *skip to picking out cast*
"What color should I get?" I asked looking at Blake. My mom had walked to the bathroom. "Ask Hunter." He said as he sat in a chair. "Oh good idea." I smiled picking up my phone.
🙈~ hey so what color cast should I get?
😋~ PINKKKK and I have to be the first to sign it😉
🙈~ ok😂😂
I set my phone down. My arm was wrapped with a white wrap thing before the color one was added. The nurse walked back in along with my mom. "Have you decided?"  The nurse asked walked up to the side of my bed. "Pink." I smiled. "Alright." She nodded and grabbed the pink. She wrapped it around and it didn't hurt as bad. "Thank you." I said looking at it. "How long will she have it on?" My mom asked. "About 2 months. It wasn't a super bad break so not to long for it to stay on." She said. "I have a few papers for you to sign and then you'll be out of here." The nurse added. My mom and her walked out to go do the papers. I sat up and laid my legs over the side of the bed. I grabbed my phone again. It was kinda hard to type and stuff but I'll get used to it. It was my left wrist. I decided to tweet out again since a few people were wondering about the last one. "About the last tweet...I broke my wrist." I tweeted. My mom walked back in. "All ready to go." My mom said waving us out. I got up and grabbed my phone, putting it in my back pocket.

|Sorry if there is spelling errors I didn't check😂💖|

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