DS: +ime +o ge+ some mall and school +ime in! Whoop whoop! Also, I'm glad +ha+ I finally included +he res+ of +he +rolls. If I'm missing one of +he alive ones, please leave his/her name in +he commen+ sec+ion, and I'll +ry +o pu+ +hem in +here somehow! Also, I'm going +o s+ar+ using prospec+ives!
DS: so yay! on+o +he second chap+er!
>Sollux's Prospective<
"what... what the fuck?! are we liike aliiens or 2omethiing?" I ask, very frustrated by not knowing what happened. Zoey just mutters,"Speak for yourself, gosh..." Gog, all I want to do is find the rest of our group and go back to Three Years if we have to. Let's just say I am having the worst time ever.
But meeting Mituna and Zoey; not so bad. My Dancestor is kind of like me, and Zoey is like a... Feferi. Wow, I totally forgot about the others! What could've happened to them.... Well I guess I'll see tomorrow. Zoey said something about a mall (whatever that is) and meeting up with some friends.
We chated some more about things, and how stuff was going. Turns out that Zoey is about to start going to a knowledge-collecting place so she can become smarter. Guess that's cool.
"So Sollux, how have you and Aradia been? Might I say you both are a cute couple," Zoey wiggles her eyebrows. I laugh, and explain a few things to clear up the fog between us. "Aradia has been... I'm not sure, more detached from the group? All she does is stay in dream bubbles a lot, and talk to the dead. Last time I saw her, she," I cough," 2hiit, umm... toldme2heliikedEquiiu2."Zoey turns her head to the side. I slow down with my words to say,"2he told me 2he liiked Equiiu2." Even Mituna's ears perk up at this. "Wh47?!" The yell at the same time.
"Maybe, things have changed for her. She might like-" Zoey shakes her head,"feel flushed for him now. You two together could just have been a phase. I'm sorry Sollux, I can't really do anything." I nod, knowing that if she felt flushed for another, then I would let my matesprite quadreant open up.
She now turns to Mituna, waiting for him to talk about Latula. He looks down suddenly depressed. "UM... Y0U 533... 5H3 K1ND 0F PU5H3D 4W4Y FR0M M3. 07H3R 7H4N 7H47, 1'M N07 5UR3," Mituna explains honestly. Zoey sighs after he finishes speaking. "Have you ever wondered... if she hates a part of you, even if she loves you? Think about it! Latula loves to skateboard, and tries to help you whenever she can. But all you do is say,'I CAN'T DO IT!' Or,'STUPID SKATEBOARD! IT'S YOUR FAULT!' Maybe she's tired of hearing about it, but really loves you so Latula tries a little harder. Maybe..." Zoey looks over to Mituna before saying something that might hurt him badly. "Maybe it's time to find a new matesprite, Mituna."
Desperately, he covers his ears, and screams,"N0 N0 N0! L47UL4 W0ULDN'7 D0 7H47! 5H3'5 MUCH B3773R 7H3N 7H47! WH47 3V3R Y0U 4R3 54Y1NG 15 5H17!" His curls bounce up and down as he shakes his head. Zoey tries calming him down with unrealistic truth, but it makes it even worse. "do we have to 2tay up all niight for you to calm down Miituna? or can we ju2t 2leep?" I ask, yawning to prove that I was more tired than I could handle at the moment. Man, I was just about to pass out!
She exits the room for a few seconds, before returning with... I'm not really sure what to call them. Zoey looks at our confused faces, and tells us they're sleeping bags. Laying them down, she instructs us how to sleep in them. I felt pretty dumb. We all get into our own spaces and try falling asleep. The lights go out, and we flicker from reality.
"Sollux? Hey Sollux! Are we on... Prospit?" I wake to find a girl kneeling beside me, on the ground. She had blonde hair, sparkling emerald eyes, and a yellow dress on. The dress was royal attire, made fit for anyone of royal blood. But it looked odd, because it was cut short like the Derse girl clothes.
"hey Zoey, your a Pro2piitiian too? be2iide2 other troll2 and human2 ii know. waiit though, we aren't iin a game, 2o how are we-" I was cut short by a squeal of laughter. A girl with a longer Prospitian dress, almond eyes, and black hair flew straight into Zoey's side, knocking her into the sky. A loud oof came from Zoey's mouth, and she just started to float around. But realization hit her, and she yelled,"ASHLEY! WHAT'S UP VANTAS GIRL!" The girl giggled and said,"Not very much, I was just waiting for someone to 'awaken', you know? Haven't found anyone one else except for the 3D brothers and you." So Mituna is here too? Cool.
Speak of the devil, he flies over and lands near me. "5UP," he casually says. We fist bump before floating up to the girls. They're talking about how 'school' is going to start, what clothes they need, and more girly stuff.
"2o Miituna... i2 your Der2e 2elf... dead? becau2e oriigiinally we were only 2uppo2ed to be on Der2e," I ask, waiting to see what his anwser would be. Maybe this human thing gave us back our lives if we lost them... maybe it even gave back our psiconics! That. Would. Be. Awe2ome.
"N0, 1'M PR377Y 5UR3 MY O7H3R 53LF 15 AL1V3. BU7 CH3CK 7H15 OU7!" Mituna flips in the air, and his eyes start to glow red and blue. He brings Zoey and Ashley over to him against their will, but they laugh as they get spun around with his powers. I chuckle as I join in. I use my red psiconics to take Zoey, while Mituna uses his blue psiconics to take Ashley over to him. We make them dance in the air, everything bright, happy, and fun in the atmosphere of Skaia. Everyone dances and sings silly songs, and it feels like forever before we wake up.
Though a second before I start to come back to my real self, I notice a few other Prospitians come to our direction, one candy corn horns and the other with red glasses.
DS: So who do you +hink +he red glasses and candy corn horns are? Well, real Homes+uckers would know ;)
DS: But yeah, +ried ge++ing some Prospi+ in +here. I've been really busy +o wri+e any+hing. +hough I do hope everyone enjoys +his s+ory so far! +hanks for suppor+ing me, and for s+ill reading! Means a lo+!
DS: Bye guys!
~Sollux and Mituna Captor~
AventuraSollux and Mituna are taken away from their post-scratch lives, and pop up in the human world. Zoey is a very big Homestuck fan, and loves the Captors! But she has gotten the game Sburb Omega, and will play it regardless that it's basically the same...