Let'2 Play A Game...

292 7 3

DS: +he las+ +ime, we saw +he Alphas...

DS: And +his +ime, we ARE +he Alphas xD

DS: So yeah, unders+and +he basic +heme of +he chap+er?

DS: Also, I'm SUPER SORRY for +he long delay!!


>Jake's Prospective<

So, my understanding of what is happening, is absolutely point blank.

I mean, we just sort of popped up outside of this so-called mall(Jane explained what this building was to me). None of us really have been to a mall, so I speak for all of us when we say that we were curious.

We walked in quietly, expecting The Condesce to jump out at any moment. We've had a lot of encounters with her, and it isn't usually pretty.

Slowly we climbed the stairs, wandering around. I had a really strange feeling that we were being watched though. But that's when I heard it.


I scouted to find who called me, but to no avail, no came running towards me. But they kept calling my name. "Jake! Jake! JAKE!"

That's when I looked to the second level(we were on the third), and spotted a blonde-haired girl waving furiously at us. I gave her a small smile and walked to her. She came to meet me half way on the steps.

A crowd of people carrying computers came out of a store, creating a sort of swarm behind her. Jane, Roxy, and Dirk were still behind me. Jane pulled me aside while the other two were looking curiously at the people.

"Jake, what are you doing? We don't know these people. For all we know, they could be working for The Condesce!" Not trying to be mean, but it's kind of stupid that Jane thought they were working for The Condesce. I mean, most of them looked really nice, their facing exploding with excitment. One of the boys ran off, putting his computer down on the floor first.

"Jane, they look like nice people! Can we just have a break for one?" I asked. She looked unconvinced, since she has delt with that sneaky sea-devil more than anyone.

Jane nodded, and I jogged over to introduce myself. The blonde girl was talking to to large guys, so I waited until she was done speaking. She turned around and smiled, and I returned the gesture.

"My name is Lauren. This is Gamzee and Kurloz," she said, gesturing to the other two. I was going to introduce myself when Lauren told me she already knows my name. 'Kind of weird...'

The boy that had run off before now came back lugging four computers. He came to us, and handed each of us a computer box. I stated what everyone was probably thinking.

"What are we going to do with these?" I asked, but I noticed some of them were nervous about answering me.

Vibrant images flooded though my head, showing people in weird costumes, red lines streaking across the sky, a purple dungeon, and Jane, with a red dress on, her face emotionless.

"Let's play a game..."


DS: HALLO EVERYONE! Le+'s play a game... Kind of a Saw reference, I +hink xD

DS: So now we have +he Alphas, and we will be en+ering soon, +rus+ me! Bu+ i+'s been awhile, and I've had so much +o do.

DS: Bu+ we will con+inue +his! So see ya!

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