DS: I hope you can somehow forgive me from +he bo++om of your hear+ ;n;
DS: Wi+hou+ fur+her ado, here is the new chap+er!
>Kevin's Prospective<
Our little group waited for about two minutes before Zeoy, Sollux, Mituna, and Jade all came running out the door. Zoey was still tugging down here sweatshirt when she sent me a thought saying,'What happened?'
I shrugged in reply, and turned to Ashley. "So why did you gather us? I know you said something about 'weird strife specibus' thing, but what really happened?" I asked her. She fidgeted with her skirt, black leggings underneath.
"Well, uh... see for yourself," she replied anxiously. Her hand came down to the floor to pick up a c-curved dagger, with pink, green, and white stripes down the blade part. Some of the others gasped at what they saw, because it was Karkat's strife specibus weapon.
My hand tingled, and I looked down to see a white glowing staff extending in my hand. The top of it shaped into a red dragon head, with some white in it. Terezi sniffed, and smiled, softly telling Latula what I was holding she gasped and reached out to feel. I was still slightly shocked.
The others looked at each other, all of them having something appear-ify into their hands. Zoey looked at her hands, and noticed nothing. I could tell she felt a little lonely, not having an exciting weapon. But the door rang before I could do anything.
Since we were at Zoey's house, she walked up to the door. Slightly opening it, she looked outside to see if someone was there. Nothing. But on her porch were brown slips with a bright blue house symbol on it. I sucked in my breath.
Zoey felt what I was thinking, and she assured me it wasn't that. 'It's just another game I got. The game's called Sburb Omega, not Alpha or Beta. Probably a fib.' The thought helped my tenseness go down, but I still had a feeling that it wouldn't be a good thing.
Eyes looked at Zoey, and she just shrugged and handed them out to the group. It was very ironic for there to be EXACTLY the number of discs for the number of people we have. I took mine with a nod of thanks, and turned to Dave. He shook his head, and I sighed.
Should we play it?
>Laura's Prospective<
Gosh, I wasn't to sure about this new game. What if it's just like the one everyone played in Homestuck? I mean, that would be pretty cool, but... Denizens? The amphibious villages? What would we do if it really was like that? Geez, sorry. I'm really nervous about this.
But top priority if we want to play, is to get about 18 computers. Wow, that's a lot. Thank goodness Kevin's dad is the co-manager of Apple. Crazy right? Just think of all the work he's done.
We pop by the mall again. It felt like it's been forever since we all meet each other here.. I smile at the memory. Kevin tells us to wait outside for a moment, but Zoey still follows. He shrugs, and just walks in with Zoey right behind him. I wonder if something's between those two. I walk over towards Ashley and ask her about it.
"Laura, c'mon don't make me laugh! They got over each other like a year ago!" Ashley laughs, and playfully punches my arm. Sighing, I guess I just imagined about that. Gamzee honks his horn, signaling for me to come over for a second.
I nod and walk towards the Makaras'. Kurloz makes hand movements that say,'Do you really think they're together?' I nod, but doubt myself. Next Gamzee says,"WeLl ThErE dEfInEtLy Is SoMeThInG gOiNg On, I cAn JuSt FeEl It." I add on,"I think there might be a little moirail or matesprite ship here."
Kurloz frowns and looks away, his skeleton sweatshirt swishing in his movement. I realize that he must've been thinking about Meulin. I reach over to put my hand on his shoulder, but he stiffens. I follow his train of sight, and, what a coinkydink...
See the Alphas'.
DS: I+ migh+ no+'ve been long, bu+ I did +ry +o ge+ some+hing in +here for you guys
DS: +his is me signing ou+, so see ya!
~Sollux and Mituna Captor~
AdventureSollux and Mituna are taken away from their post-scratch lives, and pop up in the human world. Zoey is a very big Homestuck fan, and loves the Captors! But she has gotten the game Sburb Omega, and will play it regardless that it's basically the same...