Piizza'2 Ready!

400 11 2

DS: UGH! I'm sick while I'm wri+ing +his so please don'+ ge+ mad if +here are mis+akes D:

DS: On wi+h +he show!


>Zoey's Prospective<

Today was really great! I got to meet some Homestuck characters at the mall! What was really cool though, is that kids came up to us and asked,'Are you guys Homestuckers too?' It was so touching! We all got to know each other more, so it was really awesome! I barley could hold in my excitement! Since the group of soon-to-be god tiers needed some where to stay, I offered Jade to stay at my house, Laura and Raven took Rose(their relatives, like cousins), Kevin is with Dave, and Ashley is with John(watch out Karkat xD). Alanna chose to stay alone, but Rose sometimes comes over to visit Kanaya.

Jade and I instantly plopped onto the couch after a full day at the mall. It was already 7! I asked everyone what they wanted for dinner, and they all said pizza. I quickly ordered Zpizza, and drove over to pick it up. The smell wafted up my nose as I took it from the person who handed it to me. Slowly as I'm leaving, recognition spread through my mind, looking for the right name. "Dan...?" I ask as I turn around and look at his bright blue eyes. "Zoey!" He jumps up and down and comes to hug me. I hug him back, and squeeze him til he says,"Hey, dying over here!" Dan makes a choking sound, followed by our laughter. "So how's life? I haven't seen you in so long!" I smile, thinking about the fun we had back then. He nods, and we just talk about random stuff for a while longer.

After I finish another sentence, I check my watch. It's been 45 minutes! Time flys fast, ya know! "Oh gosh! I'm so sorry Dan! I have to leave, my friends are probably worried that I've been taking so long!" I frantically get my things together before Dan pulls me to a side for a second. He smiles and slips me a piece of paper with his number on it. I slightly blush and say goodbye.

I drive down the quite road. It really can be abandoned sometimes. I turn to my court and park my blue Audi in the driveway. running up the steps, I slip on my untied shoe and fall, right on my elbow. I scream from the pain, and tears come to my eyes. I brush them away and pick up my stuff. I hop up the stairs slowly and open the door. Jade was passed out on the couch and the Captors were upstairs playing Mario Kart. I placed the now cold pizza on the table.

My house wasn't that big, but it had three rooms, an upstairs, a living room, dining room, and kitchen(I'm not gonna get so descriptive about the house, dream it up! But her room has already been explained, maybe others will be too). I sigh and sit by Jade. I'm jealous, everyone likes her, or at least no one hates her. She's really pretty too, I mean look at her! Black silky hair, cute glasses, green eyes, a funny personality, a dressy skirt with black buttons lining down the side, and a blue devil dog symbol on her long white shirt.

Then look at me! Blonde hair that will never be without the occasional hair sticking outwards, green/brown/blue eyes, a pink flower on eight side of hair, keeping the part up, a couple of freckles, some yucky pimples(ew Dx), white short shorts, and a black vest with a white t-shirt underneath. Who looks better? Obviously not me, for sure.

I go to a small bathroom to get some gauze for my elbow. Not looking so good, to be honest. It's gushing with blood and there are other scrapes from the brick stairs too. It hurts a lot. As I wrap it up, careful not to probe any split aches, I hear Mituna get upset with Sollux in the backround victorious. Don't worry, I'll show him who's the best in a bit.

A ding goes off in the kitchen signaling that the pizza was warmed up. Steps come crashing down from upstairs as they race to get there first. Jade lazily yawns as she gets up from her small nap. I walk in quietly, enough to scare someone, for which I did. I snuck up behind Sollux, and right before he was sitting down, whispered,"Hey lil' momma lemme whisper in your ear..." He screamed,"WHAT THE HELL!!" and Jade, Mituna and I fell on the floor laughing. Flecks of blue and red lightning spark in front of his eyes, being the easily annoyed person he is. The sparks became bigger as our laughter died away.

Then everything went red and blue.


DS: SORRY SORRY SORRY! Cliffhanger +hough c:

DS: School is a pain in +he bu++ as always, bu+ oh well... BU+ HEY! I looked a+ +hing and i+ said 288 READS!! SQUEEE! DANKE ;v;

DS: Ok, see ya in ano+her chap+er!!

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