Untiil Death Do We Part

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I have the worst writer's block. I mean, I couldn't even give you guys a couple of chapters; plus I have a couple of stories in the making :>

But I have been studying for my big tests and all, so it's hard to do both

Please forgive me ;v;

So here is a chapter you guys have been waiting for after that major (was it really?) cliffhanger!


>Terezi's Prospective<

"L4TUL4, SHOULD W3 B3 WORR13D 4BOUT K3V1N 4T 4LL, B3C4US3 H3'S B33N 1N H1S ROOM FOR MOST OF TH3 T1M3," I asked, sharing my concerns about Kevin's welfare. He hasn't come down from his locked room ever since he got home from the disastrous meeting we had. He kept mumbling about how "things aren't going well" or "I feel like someone is being hurt" and stuff like that.

His muttering was really weird, and I didn't understand it, but he smelled like deep thought raspberry swirl. Latula looked over from the couch, and shrugged, her white eyes closing when she moved her shoulders up. "Just l34v3 h1m b3, T3r3z1. H3 d1d go through a h3ck4 lot b4ck th3r3; m4yb3 h3 n33ds som3 sp4c3. L3t's just l34v3 h1m 4lon3 for 4 wh1l3," Latula says, all the while watching some TV show. I nod, and sit there for a bit.

"Hey, I'm going out over to Zoey's house. Sollux said some alarming stuff. You guys just stay here," Dave calls, and slams the door behind him before either of us can say anything against it. 'LUCKY D4V3; 4T L34ST H3 H4S SOM3TH1NG TO DO,' I think, gloomily sighing.

Finally I crack of boredom.

I stomp upstairs and throw open the cream blurred door. "K3V1N, DO SOM3TH1NG OTH3R TH4N B31NG ON YOUR COMPT3R, GOSH!" I exclaimed, annoyed that he wouldn't talk, move, or look up from his computer. I shook his shoulders, gaining a grunt from him. "UGH! K3V1N!" I drew out the n. I scanned his dark blueberry wallpapered walls, sniffing for anything interesting. The blurred colours of all the mini objects scattered around his room made it hard for me to find something that would eliminate my boredom. I brightened when I saw Latula's figure stand at the doorway, making her way over to Kevin.

"Bro, you n33d to g3t your l4zy butt off th4t th1ng! Com3 sk4t3bo4rd w1th m3, or do 4noth3r 4ct1v1ty th4n th1s," Latula said, her arms crossed, tapping her foot patiently on the carpeted pale floor. She wore a turquoise sports zip-up jacket, and black skinny jeans, with red Converse. I looked down at what I was wearing. I still wore my regular black t-shirt with the turquoise Libra symbol in the middle. Bleached skinny jeans were new, and so were my red Vans. I smiled, because at the mall, Ashley had sent us to "shop until we drop". I probably got a bag and a half, which I was absolutely fine with, but the human girls shook their heads in disappointment.

Looking over Kevin's shoulder, I was surprised at what he was doing. Once the information my eyes had taken in reached my mind, my eyes widened. I started to pull Kevin away from the computer, yelling at Latula what he was doing. An expression of fear crossed over her usual cool façade, and she closed the computer to shut it off, Kevin yelling in protest.

But the sound of a completed download rung from the computer before it was rudely smashed down. Kevin looked at us, as if shaking off a trance from which he was held captive. He looked at his computer and realized what he had downloaded.

The game SBURB.

"W-what?" he asks, a bit drowsily. I hold my head with my hands and fall to my knees. "1 R34LLY THOUGHT W3 W3R3 GO1NG T-TO 3SC4P3 TH4T HOL3 G-G4M3. 1 GU3SS 1 W4S W-WRONG," I say sadly. Latula shook her head, also holding her head, and using the bed as a stabilizer. Kevin pale, as loud noises started to be heard from downstairs. Latula and I stiffen, as we bear Kevin's imps at the door. All three of us run downstairs to grab our dragon canes, and we unsheathe the sword hidden inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2014 ⏰

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