Chapter 2- The Husky One

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Chapter 2- The Husky One

Stiles' POV

We were both sitting right by the office, listening to my Dad talking to Kasia. Scott was using his "special" ability to hear things that normal people or any people shouldn't be able to hear. But then again, we were never normal in the first place. "What are they talking about?" I wack Scott's arm as I ask him. "Shh." I rolled my eyes. The door beside us opened as my Dad and Kasia walked out. Kasia walked off with a devious grin or her face. "What are you two doing here?" Dad bursted out after Kasia was out of hearing distance but of course she could hear anyway. "Well Dad that's..that's a very good question. What are we doing here. Umm Scott?" I stutter as I let Scott answer for us. He glares at me for a moment before he answers my Dad. "We were just waiting for Kasia Mr.Stilinski." My Dad looked at both of us with a raised eyebrow. "Don't you two have classes?" Scott and I glance at each other. "Uh yeah we do which is why we have to leave like right now!" I sputter out before we grabbed our bags and ran down the hall before he could question us further.

"Phew that was close!" I breathe out after our little dash. "Close? He knows that something's up! Do you know why? It's cause we happen to be at every single case in Beacon Hills!" Scott throws his hands up in the air to make a point. I let out a deep sigh as I mentally slap my forehead. "He'll get over it. Anyway what were they talking about?" I attempt to change the subject. "They were talking about a murder that happened last night in the forest and they think that Kasia, you know, did it. And get this, they have proof. Kasia was there that night and they figured that out because someone left a bike with a GoPro on it and caught her on tape." After Scott finished I stared at him with my mouth agape. "Wait so it wasn't her as a werewolf?" Scott shook his head. "No, it was Kasia as a human." Oh god, Beacon Hills is in some trouble. Again. "I got to call someone." I was starting to jog quickly away but Scott caught me by my arm. "Derek?" I nod nervously. A smirk crosses his face. "Go ahead." I push the doors open when someone else pulls it from outside and I fall against a hard object. "Get off." A deep voice vibrates below me. My eyes widened at the familiarity of the voice. "I-I'm so so sorry Derek." I stutter staring into his eyes. "It's alright." Derek looks away as a shade of pink reaches his cheeks. I grin at his stubborn personality. "Stiles?" Derek says with irritation clear in his voice. "Uh yeah?" I was clearly puzzled in his tone. "Can you please get off of me?" I trip over his legs as I stumble to get up. Derek jumps up and gives me a hand. "Thanks." I mutter quietly. This time it was my turn to be embarassed.

"Did you guys find anything?" I was puzzled but I realized what he was talking about. "Oh, yeah. Her name is Kasia Hayes and she's from Vancouver. Oh and I almost forgot, she got called in for suspected murder." I sarcastically reply. Derek's eyes widened. "Kasia Hayes?" His red eyes intensify. He dramatically pulled out the word Hayes. "Uh yeah. Anyway so we were listening to the police and they saw her in a video at the time of the murder but she was human which is weird since most werewolv-" Derek cut me off from explaining. "Oh god." He stares into the school. "What, what is it?" I question worriedly. "Hayes is the last name of the family of werewolves from Canada." Derek says as his nails grow. "So?" He glares at me with a serious expression. "They're supposed to be only a myth." He says in a voice that was barely above a whisper. And that was when we realized that not only is Kasia a werewolf, she also had a reason to come to Beacon Hills. A reason that was yet to be revealed.

Scott's POV

We have one open block before Lunch so I was sitting outside on the benches. The wind sounded like low whispers of a distant language, almost as if it were speaking to me. That was when I realized that someone was. "Scott." A girl's voice whispered. "I know you can hear me." Kasia whispers again. I search around for her but I couldn't find her. "Relax, I won't hurt you. At least I hope I won't have to. Anyway I know you heard what the police said to me. And you probably won't believe me but I did not do it. It might look like it, but it isn't true. Why would I come here and kill someone and be caught on tape? I mean I'm no genius but come on, I'm not that stupid." She pauses for a moment. "What do you want? Why did you even come to Beacon Hills for?" Kasia's laugh fills the air. "Oh c'mon Scott, don't be so uptight. I can't just reveal my whole plan to you guys, that's not how it works. I'm supposed to be the mysterious girl who ends up saving your life." Kasia snickers. "Then tell me one thing." I whisper. "What would that be Mr.McCall?" Kasia teases me mockingly. Her footsteps near me with the leaves crunching beneath her feet. "How can you help us?" She takes a seat beside me on the bench, a little too close for my taste. "I am stronger than an alpha." She stretches out each word into my ear. She chuckles evily as she strides away but she suddenly turns on her heels. "You know what Scott?" I stare into her eyes that intensified in the last minute. I breathe in with shock at the sight of her. Her eyes had turned into a brilliant shade of light green and blue. "Don't mess with my plan. Or you'll be sorry you even talked to me." She grins again as she turns around. My heartbeat had risen at her precise words and I knew she could hear it too.

My phone rang twice before I picked it up. "What's up?" I answer after I saw that it was Stiles. "Dude get outta there." His voice sounded alarmed, almost scared. "What are you talking about-" I start to say but I was cut off by Derek. "There's another wolf pack coming and is heading towards the school. There are too many of them so in other words, get the hell outta there before you get killed!" He yells into the phone. With that call, I get on my motorcycle and texted Lydia, Allison, and Isaac to get out too. By the time we reached Derek's house, the pack had reached the school. And they already killed 4 students. We discovered later that the pack had come from Canada and they were known for, well, killing.
So new chapter, what do you think? Good? Bad? Sorry for the late updateee

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