Chapter III

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Learning the Truth and Pixies

Jackson was shaken awake by Torrence after sleeping on the helicopter. He had fallen to sleep just in case he would wake up in class. It would be better than being stuck in this nightmare, anyways.

But that wasn't the case. He was still sitting at the window seat of a helicopter, flying to an unknown destination.

"Hey, guys." Torrence said, pointing out an island just up ahead. It was absolutely gorgeous. It had lots of trees and a big mountain with a sparkling waterfall.

"Oh." Matt said, staring out his window with slight awe. He was sitting the furthest away from Jackson, as Torrence was in the middle, Jackson by the right window.

"Isn't it gorgeous?" Issa said. Issa was the woman who helped them earlier that day, and she had told them her name when they asked about 20 minutes into the flight. She sat in the passenger seat just in front of them, and turned her head to look at them. "That's Stoicheía. Your new home."

The boys stiffened. They liked the idea and all, but they had never expected that. She's right. What other home do we have to go home to? Jackson thought with a sigh. He was sure life here would be almost as great as his life back home. Err.. Not home anymore. Last home. Former home.

"I- I know it might be tough, having your families-" She stopped herself there, and shook her head. "I'm sorry. I'm sure you'll have a great time here." She said, and turned back around. Everyone stayed quiet until landing after that.


Landing didn't take long. Once they were on the ground they set out some steps to get down easier. They got out, and met a guy named Soarin, who said he was a Dásos Elementist. He told them that they would find out what that meant soon. He wore clothes that appeared to be leaves. His hair was messy, and a dirty blonde colour.

He lead them around the island. They saw small but friendly dragons, lots of people wearing different colours, and quite a few huts and houses. On a mountain they spied a castle. It was magnificent and was perfect in the area it was.

We eventually landed up at a tower on the side of the mountain, made of wood and stone. It had vines climbing their way down the walls. It was nothing like they'd ever seen before. Above the door was a symbol. Like a star. The one you would see in movies, but more like a diamond than the star shape you learn in kindergarten.

Soarin opened the door and entered, then peaked his head out. "Well? What are you waiting for? Come in!" He said, waving his hand, as an invitation. The boys exchanged glances, then Matt stepped in.

A muffled, "Whoa!" came from the hut, and it was obviously Matt's voice. "This is incredible!"

Torrence made his way in, after all the excited comments from Matt. He did the same as Matt, being all like: "This is almost as... interesting- yes, interesting! Almost as interesting as me!" and "You have such a cool home, Soarin!"

Soarin answered to the last comment. "Oh, no. We aren't at my house. This is the home of Sofia. She is the lead Moíra Elementist. There is six Elementist groups in all. You'll learn them soon enough." He told Torrence, as Jackson cautiously stepped in. It was massive, bigger than it appeared. It had three doors lined up on the walls. In the middle was a lounge area, where Torrence was sitting, his arms outstretched. A chandelier hung from the ceiling, lighting up the entire room. An aquarium was at the left wall from Jackson's view at the entrance. By the other wall was some spiral stairs leading up to several other floors. He went to sit at the lounge with Torrence.

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