Chapter VI

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Matt flies to school on a puffy ball of happiness


Matt woke up in his room. At first, he didn't know where he was. He had imagined he was in his room, or, his old room. Thus, he panicked. His gaze shot around the room. He closed his eyes for a few seconds then reopened them. Nothing happened.

Matt is one of the people you would least expect to cry. But it happened. He stuffed his head in his pillow and sobbed. His pixie, Anani noticed him crying. But Anani just watched, as he didn't know what to do. Instead the pixie left the room through an opening in the window.

About 10 minutes after plenty of uncontrollable sobbing, Skyla came in. Skyla was the woman in the house, just recently married to Jared, the other person Matt was living with. Skyla was also pregnant, although she wasn't showing yet.

She sat down next to Matt and rested her hand on his shoulder. When he looked up his face was wet with tears. His blonde hair was messy and really needed a touch up. The look in his eyes seemed desperate.

But her smile seemed to fill the room with warmth. Her turquoise eyes were gorgeous and filled with kindness, but with a tint of 'I know how it feels' kind of look. Matt laid his head back on the pillow. He couldn't manage any more tears, nor could he manage words.

"I'm here to talk if you ever want to." Skyla said, and left the room.


Matt got out of bed after laying there and thinking for around 5 minutes, and got dressed in the few clothes he had. He wore jeans with his sneakers that he had worn to the island. He slipped on a white t-shirt with black on it that read 'BOSS'. Over that he wore a blue jean jacket.

He brushed his hair but it ended up just getting messy again. He didn't have the energy to style it, so he walked into the living area. Skyla was eating a pomegranate while Jared ate an apple. Jared had pure white hair, that didn't seem natural when Matt first met him, although he learned soon after meeting him for the first time that his theory was false.

Skyla's blonde hair was covering her left eye. It wasn't brushed but it still looked incredible. She was reading a book that said: 'The Mysteries of Ian Waltzberg'. She saw him come in and glanced at Jared.

Jared got what she meant and looked up to Matt with a smile. He had emerald green eyes that matched his skin tone nicely. Slightly tan but not too tan. He stood up and went to a fruit basket on the counter. He looked back at Matt. "Any preference?" He asked.

Matt shrugged, but said; "I'm allergic to bananas." And sat across from Skyla. About five minutes later Jared placed a bowl in front of Matt. It had a few grapes, a few slices of orange, a few slices of apple and a section of pomegranate seeds to the side. "Thanks." He said in an awfully sad tone to be saying 'thank you', but nobody made mention of it.

Just as he finished, Jared stood up. "I'm gonna send you on a cloud to the school. Do you want me to come with?" He asked.

"I think I'll be good, but thanks. I would like to take the time to.... Think." He managed. He tried not to tear up, and it worked.

Jared waved his hand for him to follow. "Well, let's go." He said, and kissed Skyla on the forehead. "Be right back." He told her, and walked to the door. He opened it and they stepped outside.

Jared swirled his fingers and a cloud appeared. "Hop aboard." He said with a grin. It was probably him trying to hold in his laughter at the reaction he got from Matt. Matt's mouth gaped and his eyes were wide and full of shock.

"B-But how?..." He shook his head. "N-Nevermind." He said, and hopped on like Jared had told him to. Instead of falling through, he landed on top. It felt like a ball of happiness and fluffiness, and it was honestly overwhelming. "Holy, fluff."

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