Chapter 2: School

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I made my lunch and stuffed it into my bag. I dreaded going in, and a thought crossed my mind of simply staying at home. After all, my parents had gone to work and my brother, Sean, had already left. I decided, however, to suffer the pain and go in to school. Bad decision.

I walked to school with Jake and his brother Luke. When we arrived at school, we walked by a gang of sixth years, who, for some reason, called Jake 'Jim' and me 'George'. I found this hilarious, and they didn't stop calling us these names throughout the year. I didn't need to make friends with sixth years, however. Second years were the targets.

At roll call, our year head Ms. Wally (I found her name amusing) introduced me to the rest of the year, and welcomed us to another dreadful year of school. I felt very awkward standing at the top of the class with all of these strangers staring at me, but one person in particular caught my eye as I examined the room. I learned later on that his name was Josh, and that he wasn't a big fan of sharp knives. After roll call, we went to our first class, French. Nobody had approached me at all to say anything to me while we waited outside for the teacher to arrive, which I wasn't sure was a good thing or not.

On the subject of the teacher, WHAT A BITCH! God, of any subject to open my experience in this school. You'd think the teacher would take it easy on a new student in the school that they don't know. NOPE. I broke one little rule that I didn't even know was a rule and she went mental. At least she didn't give too much homework. Hag. My day got better, however when I went to P.E. Not because someone talked to me and we became friends, oh god no, butt because of the teacher. She was much nicer, as a person and physically. (I'll let the song take it from here).

After P.E. was break time. A simple 15 minutes of being in a room filled with potential friends. What could possibly go wrong...

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