when i was smol
i used to promise i wouldn't be mean to myself
because words are easier and faster than actionswhen i grew taller
i felt that I really needed to stop
because i wanted change
and change only takes place through actionand then there's you
you who still prefers words over actions
all the things you say
all those pretty wordsbut do you really mean them
and how can i be sure
truth is I can't. it's impossible
I can't feel what you're feeling and you can't feel what I'm feeling.
and it's ruining me
please take action
because i like your words
(no one hates to hear 'i love you')
but what i really want
Poetryi could call this 'poetry' or 'my poetry' but this really is just a scramble of words. kinda like a blog of some sort. I sometimes need to write something down and I do have a little notebook with scribbles and scrabbles but I thought it would be ki...