Chapter 12

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Sandy's POV* 

Quietly I sat in front of Sarah, biting my bottom lip, and looking at her. She had her arms crossed over her chest, muttering curses under her breath, directed to me. I had just told her that she was celebrating Christmas with us, and she wasn't exactly overjoyed with the thought of it, but I was determined to change it, no matter what she said to not come along with us.

"You can't say no! I've already told Harry you're coming!" I groaned, and nagged my eyes on her, watching her frown.

"I can't destroy the moment you and Harry meets again! You'll hate me forever if I do!" She cried out, moving her hands to pull on her hair frustrated. Her fingers tugged on it, close to her scalp, and she started to pull. I watched in horror as she pulled away her hand, with the most of the strand she had pulled on. She let it fall down to her bed, and she moved her hand back to her scalp, finding another strand to pull on.

"Don't pull your hair, Sarah." I exclaimed, and took her hands away from her hair. She wasn't herself anymore. I had witnessed this a few times; when she lost herself, and let her mind take over. She often pulled her hair off because of anxiety, or stress, not even flinching when she did so. It was like when I cutted; I didn't flinch, instead it felt like a mad pleasure. She once pulled half her eyebrow off, forcing her to fill it up with makeup to not look like a clown. When I asked about it, she just explained it as a way to not cut, like an alternative for it that wasn't as visible as fresh cuts on her arm. Her hair was thin because of it, and her eating disorder didn't help either. "Just listen to me, okay?" She nodded slowly, and her hands started to relax in my grip. "None of us doesn't like the idea of you coming on Christmas, you're my friend, and Harry wants to meet you too. His family won't say anything, or judge you for that matter. I'm sure they'll just be happy, and they'll like you! They never judged me. So, calm down, okay?" 

"But, what if I destroys anything? You're supposed to be with your family on Christmas." She swallowed, and squeezed her eyes shut, letting a tear escape her left eye. 

"And I'm obviously the closest to family you have..." I whispered. She looked from my eyes to the floor, and around in her room; where we was sitting on her bed. 

"My dad is dead. He got hit by a drunk driver." She mumbled suddenly, looking back up at me, her eyes filled with sadness; a little girls sadness, a little girl who misses her dad. "And my mum is in jail for drug dealing, she got there when  I was five. I barely remembers them, I have no one." She whispered, and closed her eyes again, taking a deep breath while trembling with her bottom lip. "I lived with a foster family, but they never let me celebrate Christmas with them. The locked me into my room, pretending I didn't exist. I haven't celebrated Christmas in so long, Sands. Both my parents were the only child, and all my grandparents are dead."

"Sarah?" I whispered, and felt how my own tears started to fall down my cheeks. "You've got me now, okay? I'll be the best of a family you have, and Harry too." I mumbled, squeezing her hands in mine again.

"I'm not used to people being concerned." She mumbled, not looking at me. "I don't know how to react to comforting actions."

"Then start to get used, sweetie." I smiled, and embraced her in a hug. "Because being friends with me, means I'm going to care." She opened her mouth to say something, probably some shit about how I shouldn't care, but I cut her off before she could, holding my hand over her mouth, blocking her words. "Nope, not this time!" She chuckled in my hand, and shook her head at me. I slowly removed my hand, smiling innocent to her. 

"So, I think we need to go and shop then when we're outta here." She mumbled. 

"You make it sound as if we're in jail." I chuckled. "But yeah, we have to! And then, I think I should let you meet the rest of the lads! They'll love you!"

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