Chapter 19

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Sandy's POV*

When I woke up that morning, with Harry's arms tightly wrapped around me, the first thing who hit me was what had happened yesterday; the whole drama about the thrown-away razors that I didn't have anymore. The second thought that came into my mind was what day it was, Christmas. Messily I turned around in Harry's hard grip, almost not managing to do it because of how strong he was, even while he was asleep. When his face came into view, I smiled to myself. I had missed this; waking up beside him.

I hadn't experienced that since I left to go to the rehab. But in reality I thought it would be harder being away from him, it felt like that. But after the first week there I realized something; Ii were able to survive without him. Yeah, I missed him more than anything, but to know that I was there, not on ly for me but for him too, made it a lot easier than it would be otherwise.

"Harry...." I whispered slowly as I moved my hands so they were resting on his shirtless chest, right above the tattoo on his stomach. I placed a feather light kiss onto his lips, giggling. His arms tightened around me, and I watched as a smile appeared onto his face, while his eyes still were closed. "Wake up."

"Go back to sleep." He mumbled sleepy. His voice was raspy and deep as he spoke, and a smile was on his lips.

"I can't." I whined. The smile on his face faded, and was replaced by fake snores  coming loudly form his mouth. "Harry." I whined as I hit his arm ligtly, with as much force I managed to have this early in the morning. With a frown I wrapped the conver around me tighter, making Harry's upper part of his body bare. His hands followed the cover and tried to desperatly take it back as I held it even tighter around me, giggling at myself from under it. 


"Get up." I said muffled. 

"And let you stay?"

"No, we can make breakfast." I removed the part of the cover that was covering my face with my hands, and looked up at him with pleading eyes. My stomach was growling quietly, and it would only get worse in no time. 

"Breakfast as in food?"

"Can you share any other shape of breakfast?"

"No, I'd rather not." He mumbled. 

"We can make breakfast for Sarah too! And let her sleep a while longer too; she needs it. And I need to wrap her present in." I groaned. I threw the cover off me, feeling the coldness hit my skin. I were only in a shirt; Harry's shirt to be specific. Yesterday, while he was taking a shower, I digged through his wardrobe to find a shirt to sleep in. 

"Let's fix the present first, okay?" He sighed as I sat up. I turned my head to look at him. e was laying there in all his glory, looking at my features carefully, with one arm behind his head. His chest were still bare, and as I had thrown the cover off me it had been removed from him as well, showing his black briefs. I trailed the butterfly tattoo with my finger, feeling him shiver under my touch as I did so. As I moved my gaze further up, to his face, I saw that he was watching my hand where it was resting onto his abs. 

"Do we have any gift wrap?" I mumbled as my gaze scanned over his collarbone, and his birds. 

"Yeah, I bought some last week." With a jerk I got out of the bed, stumbling a bit as my feet hit the floor, and hurried over to my wardrobe. I heard the floor creak behind me as I opened it, and took the small box I had bought to her. Me and Harry had been out by ourselves, after an hour by Sarah convincing us that she was going to be fine by her own. We went out, but that didn't stop me from calling her every thirty minutes, almost making her rip her hair off. 

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