Chapter 25

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Sandy's POV*

I can easily say that packing isn't a thing I should do. Packing is something you should do days before you're going away, not four hours before the plane leaves.

But I did, of course I waited with the packing until it were almost too late, that's just normal I guess. But It were chaotic when I realized I weren't done. Jeez, I didn't even manage to take a shower, and did just put on some deodorant to not smell too much.

Harry had impatiently helped me packing, been throwing clothes of mine in my bag as I gathered all my other necessaries, so I don't even know what he packed. How lovely is that?

Sarah had been abruptly woken by Harry in the hurry, we had to say bye to her before we left. And I had to make sure she was going to be okay by her own. At least five minutes of our golden time was her trying to convince me she was going to be okay, but I stubbornly stood there until Harry said that Niall were keeping her company. Otherwise I don't think we would have made it to the airport at all, even less that we would make it to the plane. The feeling when we were seated on that plane, exhausted, were indescribable, really.

I had taken the seat by the window, not without protests from Harry though, and were happily sitting there with Harry beside me, who had a hand firmly placed onto my knee. My head were turned so I could look out through the window, watching the clouds and sky from the plane. It was an amazing sight, truly amazing.

My mind wandered back to Sarah, and a mentally note was created in my head, reminding me to call her when we landed, just to make sure she was, in fact, okay and eating.

"You worry way too much." Harry's mumble brought me from my thoughts, forcing me to look over at him. "I can see that you're in deep thoughts. Sarah?"

"Yeah." I nodded along with the words, knowing that mentally he was rolling his eyes.

"Niall's keeping an eye on him, love. Don't worry too much, okay?"

"I'm not worried."

"Oh but you are." A teasing smile showed on his face, before a quick kiss were pressed to my cheek. "The whole point with this trip is to relax, so that's exactly what you're going to do when we get there."

"Yeah, and that's a landing and a second flight away." I mumbled.

"Then sleep, I'll wake you up when we're landing in Paris."


The view when we arrived to the little house Harry had rented for us I wanted to let go of a tear, it was beautiful. The little house were just by the beach, and when we came there, the sun was just about to diseapper, making the sky deep pink that were reflecting in the water. No wind, so the water were crystal clear, and the warmth made me flutter.

Harry had rented a car when we landed for the last time, on a airport that were an hour from the house. And in the spoken moment he was by it, getting our bags after he had insisted in me going to the house, leaving him to the, his words, 'man work'.

I hummed when I approached the tree-door to unlock it, so I could see how the cute house looked from inside. I struggled a bit with the key, my eyes kept shutting themselves due to the tiredness I were feeling in the moment, but somehow I managed to unlock it, much to my own surprise when I was sure I would have to ask Harry to do it, it was almost as if I were drunk. An amused laugh was heard from behind me, and a hand were placed on the small of my back when my own hand opened the door, gently guiding me inside.

"Tired?" I hummed as a answer, knowing he would fully understand it as a yes. "We can go take a nap." A small smile approached my face as he said that, and I turned my head so I could face him.

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