Chapter 16

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Sandy's POV* 

"And you called me hyper."

"I'm not hyper... I'm just lovesick."

That was my fabulous explanation to why my head was on cloud nine, I was lovesick. And Sarah was tired of me by now. It was only ten am, and I had been awake for three hours. 

You know how you never could go to sleep before the first day of school after summer? That thing that never goes away, no matter how old you get? It was like that. I spent two hours, from seven to nine, lying in my bed, hugging the pillow, and smiling my face off. My cheeks was even aching, but what could I do? 

I had managed, with help from Sarah, to close my suitcase, and bag. I never was one to pack, and I'm surprised I got everything to fit when I packed to come here. Everything was thrown in the bag, I didn't care what was what, everything I was thinking of was that I was going to be able to hug Harry again in just a hour, or less. I had scanned the room three times before I was done, just to make sure everything was packed. 

First impression, it's a important thing for society. And if I hadn't known him for a year, I would be terrified to wear what I was currently wearing. I had his Hipster please-shirt, and high-waisted, blue, jeans on. The front of the shirt was tucked in the pants, and I had carefully placed my phone, that I just had gotten  back, into my pocket. It wasn't turned on, since I didn't want to turn it on just yet. I didn't plan on doing it until I was at Harry's place again, with Sarah, and had calmed down. Important paper was tucked under my arm, mostly with directions to Harry about my new diet, that mostly contained of me eating more than I had when I left. I didn't read them properly, I just scanned over them quickly to know what was going on. 

Both me and Sarah was sitting on the floor, on our bags, making small talks. I could tell she was stressed out by this, I would be too if I were her. She had her own 'directions' paper in her lap, and she glanced down at it a few times. She hadn't bother putting makeup on, since she didnät feel the need to impress anyone. And to be honest, she was flawless without makeup. She didn't agree with me, but I used my power of being the older one of us. Long story short, I got her to agree that she was beautiful even without that cover up.

Donna was sitting on a couch, along with a small girl who wasn't even 14, that had been forced to come here by her parents. A really cute girl, and it makes me sick that she's here for suicide attempt. Five, not one, but five attempts.

"You know, you can stop tapping your foot." Sarah stated, and looked at my foot, that was tapping against the floor, making thumping sounds, as if she wanted to remove it from my leg.

"But I'm bored." I whined, and looked at her with a pleading look. She shrugged her shoulders, and looked down at the phone she was holding. She was smiling at it, and explained after a while that she had gotten messages from her cousin, that was the only one in her family she really loved. 

"Then do something to entertain yourself, girl." She exclaimed, and rolled her eyes. The girl that Donna was talking to giggled at this, and me and Sarah shared a meaning look with each other, pleased that we made her laugh. Donna shook her head while laughing at us as well. 

"Like what?" 

"I don't know, go take a bath?" She suggested, and looked back up at me.

"But no, I'll miss when Harry comes if I do." I pouted and shook my head.

"Like I said, you're mad."

"I can't help it!" 

"You could take something to clam yourself?"

"No drugs!" Donna called out, making all the people that was in the room laughing. We wasn't the only ones who were leaving, a lot of the people here was leaving for Christmas. Many of us much healthier, this place was really incredible. It was a special atmosphere in the building, and many was smiling. I hadn't even seen half of the girls here smiling even once before, and to see them do it made me feel better.

When I woke up this morning, I had a small anxiety attack, believing that Harry would run the second he saw me now, since I had gained weight. At seven am, that isn't the best thing that happens, but that's how it works. My depression is worst in the morning, and the anxiety isn't far behind. But after half an hour, when I had cried out all tears I had, I realized I was being ridiculous about this. Of course he wouldn't make a run for it, that's just wrong by me to think of. 

"Sandy, I think lover boy is here." Sarah mumbled. I looked at her, and saw how she was looking out through a window. She was stretching her neck to see better, and smiled at me when her gaze turned to me. "Did you not just hear me?" 

"You're serious?" I shrieked, and widened my eyes. A few chuckles was heard from my audience, but Ii couldn't care less right now. I got up from the floor in a hurry, and ran up to the window Sarah had looked out through. And sure enough, there he was, about to exit his Range Rover.

His hair was covered by a beanie, and he had his black coat on. He wasnät turned towards me, but I knew it was him, I could see it in his posture. How scary that even sounds. He was locking the car, unnecessary if you ask me, before he turned around.  I couldn't stop the smile from forming on my face when I saw him either, and I heard a few 'aww's in the background. 

Ignoring them, I ran towards the outer door instead, running past a shocked Donna, that had been in her room for a while now. I didn't listen when she asked what I was doing, I was just focused on him. No one else, just him.


Don't kill me... Please don't kill me... I mean, I had to do it! I had to! But stay calm! It isn't far away! Sazzy is soon reunited! :D 

I've had the weirdest week ever O.o And it will probably continue next week... Anyone remembers when I said I would tell y'all a  embarrassing thing? When I reached 20000 reads thou, 400 away! I promises, it's juicy :P And awkward, and it got even more awkward omg noooo! D:

Random dedication toooooo AlexSinger! Just because! :D

7 votes on the last chapter? Say whaat?! :D That's why I love you guys! :D I'm 8 votes away from 100! You think you can do it? And +1700 reads! We're moving forwards 2000!

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