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I then woke up that morning in my bed. I guess dai-chan brought me in here after I fell asleep. I decided that I would eat breakfast and then head to town to look for a job I would be good at or a part time job k should say. Since I'm not 18 yet. I'll probably be able to find one for a tutor or something like that. Before I came I had already finished school at home and well you finish high school early when you are homeschooled. I didn't have a graduation I just took a test and got a diploma. So, if I go flash this around I should be able to find a job.

*ring* *ring*

"Yes." I said into the phone.

"Oh, hello is this...?" Someone on the other side asked me.

"Yes, this is she?" I said before realizing who the person was.

"This is your grandmother."

"I'm sorry but I don't have any grandparents." I said.

"Yes, because I have been under an alias trying to be a successful person and now that I am I wanted to call you and ask you something." She said.

"Yes." I said.

"I'm in Japan and I want you to come visit me in my home. You can come around 3:00 today. It's in Tokyo so it's not far." She said.

"Okay I'll be able to get there." I said as she gave me her address.

I called dai-chan and told him that after our lunch I would have to leave because I have to meet someone. He said it was okay and that he would see me when I got home.

----At lunch with JUMP----

"Wow this is amazing!" Inoo shouted.

"I'm glad you like it." I said.

"Dai-chan you are so lucky." Hikaru said.

"I know right." Dai-chan said back as he looked at me and smiled.

"Eat up. I brought a lot so eat as much as you can because I don't want to waste any." I said.

"Oh we will!" They all said.

"I'm sorry guys I need to go. I have a meeting with someone. Hey dai-chan can you bring all of the dishes home?" I asked him as I was walking out.

"Yea sure. I got it. See you later." He said.

"Yea. Bye guys!" I shouted.

As I pulled up to my grandmother's driveway I noticed that there were 2 other cars there. Expensive cars. I also noticed that the house was huge. I thought that it must have cost around 15 million dollars. I nearly fainted as I walked in and saw how beautiful it was.

"Hello, grandmother?! Are you here?" I asked.

"Oh, yes I'm right here." She said.

"Oh hello." I said bowing.

"Hello. I Have someone for you to meet." She said as she pointed to a tall handsome man that looked like he had been raised in a palace.

"Oh, hello. Who are you, if I may ask?" I asked.

"Oh well I'm your fiancé." He said.

"What! No you're not I don't even know you." I said laughing.

"No I am. My family was promised that I would marry a daughter of this family and she is standing in front of me." He said.

"I don't make that promise. So I won't do it and you can't make me." I shouted.

"Why won't you marry me? I'm good looking aren't I?" He asked.

"It's not that. It's that I'm already engaged to marry someone else that I love." I said.

"Is that person more handsome or more rich than me?" He asked.

"No probably not but he is rich in love for me and that's all I need. So I'm sorry but I'm not going to marry you. Goodbye now." I said.

"I won't let you get away. I have looked at pictures of you and I loved those but seeing you in person I know that this is love at first sight." He shouted as I walked out of the house.

I thought to myself "another one. I must actually be popular." I'm just going to go home and explain this to dai-chan.

"Hey dai-chan. I'm apparently from a rich family and I have another fiancé but I'm not going to marry him." I said.

"Wait you are from a rich family?" He asked.

"Well my grandmother who abandoned my family is. She thought that if she just magically appeared in my life she can just go ahead and throw a rich guy at me."

"You will throw him back right?" He said.

"Already did. He doesn't even know my name and he says 'from the first time I saw I knew.' He didn't. Like c'mon how do you love someone and not know their name?" I said.

"True. I hope he doesn't find out and stuff."

"Don't worry he won't. My grandmother probably gave up and so did he."


"I won't worry about it. Now j have to ask you what you want for lunch tomorrow." I said.

"Well it doesn't matter. Just surprise me." He said.

"Okay." I said.

Once I finished making the meals for lunch I went and took a shower and went to bed to wait for the next day. Little did I know that my food would stay in the fridge passed lunch time...

A/N: Alright well that's another chapter down. Now I know that this has been like really late updates but I'm still not used to the time change so I forget to do it. Well anyway thanks for reading see ya next time.

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