4 years later...

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It's been 4 years since I last saw him. Yume and Ryohei look more and more like him everyday. It feels like the war is coming to an end, because the food is getting scarce. I see people stealing in the streets everyday. It pains me that I can have a huge fear and there are kids like mine who can't eat every week.

"Mommy look what I made." Yume said showing me an oragami bird.

"It's so pretty. Where'd you learn to make it?" I asked.

"The king taught us." She said pointing to the one that separated me and my family.

"Sweethearts do you mind going to help the mains clean up after lunch? I need to talk to the king for a bit." I asked.

"Yes mommy." They both said.

"I thought I told you to never talk to them." I said angrily.

"Darling, they're my future children." He said trying to hug me.

"Like hell they are. I'm not going to marry you ever."


"You're disgusting and I don't know how anyone could love you."

"Sir, the eastern border is under attack!" One of the guards said.

"Isn't the eastern border only a few miles from the palace. He's coming for me!" I shouted and ran to the window.

"Watch her and don't let her leave this room." He told the guards.

"Mommy why are they punching us around?" Ryohei asked.

"Just sit on the bed and make more birds for mommy." I said.

"Yes mommy." They said.

"Please come quickly." I said to myself.

Daiki's POV
It's been 4 years since I've seen my children and the love of my life. I bet that Ryohei and Yume are already talking and eating solid foods. I miss them so much.

"General to your right!" One of the privates said.

"Private to your left." I said.

"Thanks sir." He said.

"The eastern border has been successfully breached. We can seize the castle." Someone shouted and without a second thought I ran to that castle.

"Haruna!!" I shouted.

"Daiki?!" I heard.

"Haruna!!" I shouted as I saw her and my two kids safe and sound.

"I missed you so much!" She shouted and then kissed me.

"I did too. I love you so much!" I said and kissed her.

"You can't have both the country and the person I'm in love with." The King said.

"And why is that?" She asked.

"Just shut up and go to jail for your crimes." I said.

"What'd he do?" I asked.

"You don't know?"

"I've been locked in a room for 4 years."

"He basically murdered thousands of people because he could."


"In Eastern Europe."

"Did anyone we know die?" She asked.

"Well a friend I made in the marine corps died when I was being to tortured for information."

"You were tortured?!"

"I'm a general of course I was. I'm okay now."

"Okay well let's just go home now." She said.

Haruna's POV
When we got home everything was fine. Our house wasn't touched. It seemed that our neighborhood was all okay and that the debris from the bombing was gone.

"Daddy look what I made!" Ryohei said to dai-chan holding up another bird.

"It's so cool." He said and picked him up.

"I think we need to get two small beds because they aren't babies anymore." I said. "I'm so sorry." I said beginning to cry.

"It's okay." He said and then hugged me.

"But you didn't get to see them grow or see their first steps."

"Hey. You're here now and that's all that matters. At least I still have the first day of school left."

"Yea. Where's Yuki and my friends?" I asked.

"Well Yamada got sent home because he was 'unfit for service'. They went to America. We were all given an 'unfit for service' form but I didn't accept it. I needed to find you and the only way to do that was through the military."

"Well you did and I love you so much."

"Did he do anything to you?"

"Nothing worth mentioning. He wanted to marry me but I didn't let him. He also took my ring."

"No he didn't. It's right here. It fell off when you were being taken away." He said and handed me the engagement ring that I had gotten 5 years before.

"I can't believe that you're almost 30. I'm almost 23. I'll be 23 in a few days."

"Oh that's right I have all of your birthday presents in this closet. Even if you weren't here we still bought stuff for you." He said opening a closet full of gifts.

"Can I open them tomorrow. I want to spend time with you." I said.

"Sure. I think that we should start off with a shower in our own home."

"Yea, you need one too. You don't smell too good." I said giggling.

"Okay." He said.

When I saw him get into the bath, he had so many scars on his back. It made me feel so bad that he could've avoided all of that pain if it wasn't because I was so careless and "wanted to go make breakfast"

"Why are you crying?" Dai-chan asked me.

"All of these wounds. You could've avoided them if it wasn't for me." I said.

"It isn't your fault."

"Then who's fault is it?"

"That king. He took you from me. He took all of those memories I could've had with you away from me."

"So what's going to happen to JUMP?" I asked.

"We are going to resume it next year. We make too much money for the company for them to disband it."

"Well I don't exactly have a job right now because that job was doing your hair for the tv shows."


"I'm so tired. For 4 years I haven't gotten a full night of sleep." I said falling asleep.

"Good night." He said.

A/N: I decided to do 2 chapters because I wanted to hurry up and write it. Anyway thanks for reading and please feel free to comment and follow bye bye~~

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