My Wedding and Birthday

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Today is the day before my wedding and birthday so I'm going to pick up my friend at the airport. Dai-chan already got Yamada and they are staying over at yamada's house with Chinen and his best friend. While me and my friend have the house all to ourselves. I probably won't be able to get any sleep no matter where I sleep.

"Good thing I don't have to set up much for the wedding tomorrow. Since it's in this house and there aren't many people coming." I said since I couldn't sleep and it was like 4 am.

"Yep. That's good but we will have to get up early so I can do your hair, help put your dress on, and do your makeup. It'll be lots of fun." She said.

"Yea..." I said letting out a breath to relax myself.

"I don't feel very good and I don't know why." My friend said.

"Go to the bathroom. Call of you need help." I said.

"Ok- uh oh. Be right back." She said and ran to the bathroom with her hand over her mouth.

"How long has it been since your...cycle?" I asked her nervously.

"If you want to know if I'm late I am very late. I'll take a test after the wedding tomorrow." She said.

"It's fine I have some here because I was going to bring them with me on the honeymoon." I said.

"Okay. I'll be right back."

It turned out that she was a positive and we immediately called Yamada and I could hear him faint. It was very funny but I can absolutely imagine him as a dad and my friend as a mom. They are the ideal parents to be honest. I'm very happy that it could be known before my wedding to make it more happy.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Okay?! Am I okay?! I'm great, I feel awesome. I feel like I have accomplished life." She said.

"That's good that you are happy."

"Yea and now it's your turn. Oh and happy 18th birthday it's already 5 am. Since its that early we should start making the food. What are we making?" She asked me.

"I kind of wanted to make some sliders. They are tiny, easy to make, and good finger food." I said.

"Okay. Are we making a desert or did you order a cake?"

"We ordered a cake. It's not very big since it's not a big wedding but it's still beautiful." I said.

"Okay. So I just make tiny sized patties and put them on the grill right?" She asked.

"Yep and when they are done slap a piece of this cheese on it. Then we can leave them open on a platter with all of the toppings on the side."

"While I'm doing this maybe you could cut the vegetables." My friend said.

"Okay. I will. So I get purple, onions, lettuce, tomato, and I'll just put the pickles, mayo, mustard, and ketchup on the side." I said.

"That should be all the toppings."

"Okay since I'm done with that I'm going to go take a shower." I said.

"Okay. Once you are out call me and I'll blow dry your hair. I should be finished with these by then." She said.

"Okay. Be right back."

----30 minutes before the wedding----

"Okay your hair and makeup is all done. We have 30 minutes to sit down and relax before you have to walk." My friend said.

"Is it just me or does this wedding feel empty. I mean it's just friends. My parents are dead, I don't have any grandparents willing to come, my parents didn't have any siblings, dai-chan's parents don't like me so they won't come, he has one sibling with his wife and daughter. Then everyone else is our friend." I said.

"Let me ask you this, are you unhappy?" She asked me.

"No.." I said.

"Then it is not empty and I think that this will be very fun. Now don't stress over it." Me friend said encouraging me.

Once I walked down the isle dai-chan became as stiff as a board and stuttered when he talked. I couldn't help but laugh. Then again I was doing the same thing at him. He looked very good. After that we had a reception and talked with all of the guests for about and hour and a half or so. Since it was my birthday I got a lot of presents. It turned out that Inoo's girlfriend or should I say fiancé caught the bouquet. The look on their faces were priceless. Then we were on our way to a honeymoon.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"We are going to Okinawa." He said.

"I have always wanted to go there. I always see it in movies and think that it would be nice to go there." I said.

"I'm glad you are happy." He said.

"Are you happy?"

"Yes very much so. I love you so so much and I couldn't ask for a better wife or life." He said.

"Me either. I love you too." I said.

"Is that the place?!" I exclaimed while looking at the beautiful house.

"Yep it turned out that our manager could pull a few strings for us and get us 3 months here at most." He said.

"Oh boy. It's so pretty here I don't think I would leave when we have to." I said jokingly.

"It is." He said.

"Hey. Have your parents contacted you and do they know that you got married today?" I asked.

"Of course they know. I invited them but they haven't answered. I sent and invitation and tons of messages and no response." He said sadly.

"Well they missed out on the best party ever and they are going to miss out on an amazing life." I said.

"You are right. Don't worry about it okay. It's not your fault in any way at all" he said

"I know. I'm tired so I'm going to go to sleep once we get to the house." I said.

"Okay." He replied.

A/N: The long awaited chapter or that's what I think. Anyway thanks for reading. I'll see you next time. The song up at the top is "Every Season" by Da-iCE. I love it to death. Anyway bye.

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