SS -2

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*present time*

"Ayeeee, what's up my ladies!" Seth greeted and we did our handshake.

Reese looked at me with a knowing look and raised her eyebrows as Cam and Seth sat infront of us.

"So, have we finalized everything?" Cameron asked as he played with the stress ball he's holding.

I wasn't able to answer and just stared at the both of them due to shock. I mean, one of these guys is my soulmate??? These are my buddies!

"Yes, almost. Haha, sorry she's just a little hungover. We'll just distribute the tasks and we're done." Reese answered for me and pinched me secretly.

"Ow!" I complained to her and she looked at me wide eyed.

"Oh, right. So, um uh-well, uh Reese will be the one to convince and lure Sandra to the venue so we can surprise her. Seth will buy the balloons and contact the others to come, I will the bake the cake, Cam will prepare the food and then we will all go to the venue and prepare before they arrive. Got it?" I told them while reading what I have written on the pad.

They all nodded and I remained silent still. When Reese coughed, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, yeah so.. Seth, the order has been placed. You'll just pick them up. Aaand the food, what are your suggestions?" I asked them.

"Definitely baked chicken. That's her favorite." Reese suggested so I looked at Cam for confirmation.

"Sure. I'm a chef in the making, Sel. I can handle it." Cam looked at me and winked which made me blush a little.

Knowing that one of them is my soulmate makes me a little excited and at the same time, nervous because hello!?? How about our friendship??

"Spring rolls! Salmon!" Seth suggested, hopeful and wide-eyed.

"Those are your favorite. Not Sandra's." I teased and shake my head but I still wrote it down.

"Please, accept my suggestions. I'm lactose intolerant so we need to prepare food for me." Seth said and did the puppy eye. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"What else? Hmm oh, lasagna!" I suggested and Cam's eye light up. Yup, food buddies here!

"That's more like it." Cam grinned and stood up to order for something.

"Cam, cam! Buy me some iced tea!" Seth called and Cam nodded.

"Cookies, caaam" Reese requested.

"What about you, Sel?" He asked me, smiling.

"Oh, um blueberry cheesecake please." I said and smiled nervously. Am I too obvious?

"Sel, you're gonna bake the cake right?" Seth asked as soon as Cam left.

"Yeah, why? Any requests?" I ask, writing down on my notepad.

"Yeah. Please make one that I can eat." He pleaded which made me laugh.

"Don't worry, I got you." I nodded and wrote the ingredients down so I won't forget anything.

"That's what I like about you." He said excitedly and just stared at me for a minute or two before I grew conscious and avoided his gaze.

Cam came a few minutes after with his coffee, Seth's iced tea, Reese's cookies and my cake. I ate it silently, still trying to absorb the fact that one of my best pals will be my future husband. I mean, I love them but really??

My thoughts were cut short when I noticed all of them are staring at me and I must have zoned out.

"I'm sorry, what is it?" I asked them, embarrassed all of a sudden.

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