Selena's Soulmate

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"What would you do if you already found the one?"

I walked into the large room filled with chandeliers and the scent of flowers. A classic song was playing as I admired the subtle elegant touches of the place. The room is filled with men and women, young and old, clad in suits and dresses.

This is it - I checked my clock once again, making sure I wasn't mistaken.

0d 0h 10m 23s

A bile was threatening to rise up my throat so I did a quick inhale and exhale and looked for my friends. I'm going to need support when this finally happens - gosh, this is a once-in-a-lifetime.

I start to look around, looking for a certain loud woman dressed in a bold red gown. I saw Reese and was relieved by the thought that I'm not alone in this room in which my soulmate is in too.

"Reese." I called out to her repeatedly as she looked around, trying to find who was calling her when her eyes found me.

Feeling a little better, I checked my clock again.

0d 0h 8m 2s

"Selena!" She grinned, running towards me and bumping a few people along the way. I winced as I witnessed this funny woman approach and hug me.

"I'm still not used to this new Selena." She teased, smiling and eyeing me - from head to toe.

"This isn't new Selena, this is just Selena who's meeting her soulmate." I explained, rolling my eyes and looking around. He's here somewhere, but where?

"So, have we found the star of the night?" Sandra suddenly spoke up beside us and joined the conversation. I didn't even notice her arrive as I was too nervous.

0d 0h 6m 34s

"No, and we are going to help her." Reese said confidently as she lead us to the center of the room where the young people flock and mingle with each other. Aw, man - this is it. I struggled walking in my long gown and high heels but tried to catch up nonetheless.

We mingled and talked to several people or more like - they mingled and talked to several people while I watch them and wave occasionally when I get introduced or noticed.

"Sel, mingle with them. It could be one of them." Reese whispered in my ear and I feel my chest getting heavy.

"My god, I'm gonna faint." I whispered and tried to talk to one of the guys I see but he only smiles and passes infront of me to introduce himself to Sandra.

"I suck at this." I complained and was about to adjust the strap of my heels when Sandra's phone rang and she pulled us to the corner to answer it.

0d 0h 2m 8s

I leaned on Reese as we waited for Sandra to finish her call which she seems to enjoy, by the way.

Tick tock, tick tock.

I tapped my feet on the floor impatiently as I tried to calm myself when we felt someone cough behind us.

"Hey." A manly voice said and instantly, my heart skipped a beat. I was more nervous to turn around now than I was before. I mean, this is it.

I inhaled deeply and I know, my clock stopped as I turned around.

"Hi, I'm Bryan." A man wearing a maroon long sleeved polo with a clean cut and dashing smile said and lend his hand to me.

I repeat, to me - not to Sandra or Reese which made me stare in surprise. I'll have you know, that your girl right here doesn't get to be asked out as often as her friends.

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