Rock N Roll

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Master, you summoned me?

I have a job for you, Salem.

A job? Does it involve your soul deals?

Well, yes. The crossroad demons are a little overwhelmed right now. Too many deals, not many demons capable of carrying out a simple conversation with humans without sinking their teeth into their necks.

And you think I am capable?

You are one of my Knights. I give you more credit than I do the other brainless soldiers of mine. Do not disappoint me.

Have I ever?

It's early morning
The sun comes out
Last night was shaking
And pretty loud
My cat is purring
And scratches my skin
So what is wrong
With another sin
The bitch is hungry
She needs to tell
So give her inches
And feed her well
More days to come
New places to go
I've got to leave
It's time for a show

Salem was annoyed. He did not appreciate doing petty work for the King. Actually, he did not appreciate having to do any sort of work. He was very old and cranky. And oh so very tired. Being one of the Knights of Hell meant that he was one of the earliest created demons that had to undergo ridiculous amount of training to become the strongest. At first, he was extremely excited of everything. The mindless killing, watching and tempting clueless humans into sinning, admiring the creation of their Master's Father, wanting to be the best, wanting to be recognized by the King of Hell himself. In a way, Salem was an abomination with very strong human feelings and needs. But the millennials that passed made everything so repetitive and boring, except the dinosaurs. There was never a dull moment when the dinosaurs roamed the earth. But God had to have them killed off, to allow his more superior creations to take over. In Salem's opinion, that was the dumbest move God made. There was no more spark in his eyes. Humans were no more a challenge to corrupt. Even those that claim to be the closest to God; sin behind close doors. Human vices were everywhere and they plunge headfirst into it, being well aware of the consequences. But humans were utterly and shockingly stupid. They destroy the world they live in for something that they brought to life; money. In a way, everything that was created for them is ignored; instead, they chase all that is made by self. Very rarely do you see a man die in peace. Everyone has unfinished business. Everyone fears death for it means finally coming face to face with their actions. Salem has never seen a creature more cowardly and disgusting than humans. They expertise in running away from their problems, sins, commitment; everything. No human has ever walked the world as God intended them to. Salem was at a point of utter disbelieve when humans started propagating the Devil's values disguised as God's words. Salem failed to grasp the concept of religion that humans are so fond of. Apparently, it shows you to behave a certain way in order to get into heaven in the afterlife. Salem has heard that God is merciful but certainly there is only a certain amount of stupidity he can tolerate? Since when has killing, discrimination, greed, or lust ever been associated with heaven? When did God ever go down to earth to begin with? Salem knew of the existence of one God. He wondered if the others existed as well. Sometimes, humans do a better job of screwing themselves up than the Devil himself. Business is good nowadays. Salem wondered why was there even a need to keep up the soul dealing business when hell is never at a shortage of souls. He wondered if Heaven was anywhere near human's grasp of knowledge. How do they know what heaven is like, even? Funny creatures, really. And all those that fall for it, even funnier. Eventually he gave up trying to understand humans. They were just beyond all reasoning.

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