Goodbye Kiss.

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Angel sat quietly on the bench. She didn't know what to make of her conversation with Draco. Now that he was gone, she didn't need to pretend to be strong. Honestly, she was terrified. Was she really going to hell?? What was hell like?? All flames and people screaming in agony, like they show it in the movies? But how would they know? It wasn't like they went to hell and saw it, right? She couldn't back out now. She really couldn't. What should I do? Bianca didn't want me to get involved in all these. Maybe if I tell her I don't want to go on with it, she would save me. But that means she would go to hell. I can't let that happen. Make a deal with the devil? But how is that going to save me and Bianca? Give someone's life in return? No, it isn't right. Where does this leave me? I have to die? But I'm so young. I haven't even completed reading Percy Jackson and the Olympians series yet. How did I get caught in this mess? I don't want to die. I don't want to go to hell. God, please help me. Angel stifled a cry. 

"Hey, why are you crying? I'm so sorry I made you wait. I kindda got lost on my way here. I have no idea how that happened. It was as if suddenly my mind went blank and the next thing I remember is that I'm an hour late to meet you. Angel, please don't cry. Tell me what's wrong." A boy with a shock of messy brown hair asked her. Angel looked up and was instantly overwhelmed by the intensity projected through those complicated almost crystalline blue colored eyes of the boy's. "Oh, Jacob." was all Angel said before burying her face into the folds of Jacob's clothing. The slightly dazed boy held her reassuringly in his arms and muttered sweet nothing aimed to calm the frightened girl down. Jacob sat beside Angel and held her hand in between his and softly asked, "What's wrong, Angel? You know you can tell me anything." Angel hesitated for a second. What happens if I tell him? Will he trust me? Will he tell his parents? Will he try to help me? Will his life be in danger? Will Draco hurt him? Will he be dragged into this whole mess? What happens if he doesn't want to help me? Will we break apart? I can't bear seeing him in trouble and I can't bear living without him. I don't want to lie either. What should I do? 

Tell him and he dies a slow, agonizing death. No one should know. No one. Like a blast of cold air, that particular thought entered her mind. So did images of such unimaginable horror that Angel's seven-year-innocent couldn't comprehend. Deep down in the pits of her stomach, Angel knew those images were just a tip on the iceberg. She knew that was the future that awaits Jacob if she told him about her rotten luck. Somehow, Angel knew she could never be the same again. Taking in a shaky gulp of air, Angel forced herself to look directly into those beautiful crystalline blue eyes. Angel has never been able to look into Jacob's eyes and not wonder how many shades of blue can be in one person's eyes and not pour out in waves. Jacob waited patiently for Angel's explanation. He figured that a girl as sweet as Angel was not capable of lying or hiding the truth from him. He thought he would be able to see right through it. How wrong he was. Unfortunately, by the time Jacob realizes this fact, it would be too late. 

"I'm moving." Angel said quietly. Somehow, she knew it. "Moving? Where? Not too far, right?" Jacob asked, his calm tone scarred slightly by a few shaky notes. "We are moving way down under. It is nowhere near here. Oh, Jacob, I'm going to miss you." Angel said and willingly allowed large, diamond-shaped tears to fall off. Jacob was speechless. He didn't know what to say. He knew they would be separated sometime in the future. He had heard enough stories about things that comes between a girl's and a guy's friendship. But this he wasn't expecting. Breaking up so soon? That isn't right. I barely even got to know her yet. He reached for her the exact same time as she did. They hugged each other and supported each other's weight. Jacob knew he was crying but he also knew the loud half chocking, half sobbing voice was Angel's. "I'll miss you too." He finally managed to say in a chocked voice. Angel said nothing. She just hugged him even tighter. He could feel her tears staining his shirt. Should I tell her the shirt is made of silk? He thought distantly but went against that idea. He rocked her body gently as he tried to figure something out. He knew there was something he wanted to tell her but he wasn't sure what. He knew the thought was there but it was just out of his grasp. It was like a tiny fluffy ball that was hovering just slightly out of his outstretched fingers. He could almost feel his fingers brushing against the softness of the ball. Jacob caught his reflection on a shattered piece of glass sticking in the sand. He found himself staring into unnaturally colored blue eyes. Angel had always had an unruly fascination for his eyes. She said it reminded her of all her shades of blue in one place. Like a meeting point and there was no other place it could fit right in. To him, it made him a freak. He had seen the way people stare at him. It was because of his eyes that people don't look into his eyes directly when they talk to him. Except Angel. She truly was an Angel, according to Jacob anyway. In a very literal sense. He didn't see angels as white beings with feathery wings. He saw them as God's children. He sees them as he sees Angel. 

It was at that instant when Jacob's outstretched fingers curled around that fluffy ball. He smiled to himself before looking down at Angel's head buried in his chest. "Angel." He said with slight urgency. She immediately looked up, curiosity evident in those green eyes of hers. "I need you to promise me something." Jacob said, his eyes directly looking into hers. Angel didn't move, she didn't even blink. If it wasn't for the fact that her small chest was rising and dropping in a slightly faster rate, she could have been mistaken for a statue. She could have been the perfect statue to represent pureness, holiness, the true essence of a child. After a few seconds, Jacob asked her, "Have you watched Avatar?" "What?!" was all Angel was able to choke out. It was clearly evident that she had other questions in her mind. No doubt to scold him but Jacob hushed her by placing his finger on her slightly parted lips. "Promise me that you will watch Avatar and whatever lesson you learn from that movie, you'll embrace it. Promise me." Jacob said. Angel looked at him with big confused eyes but when it was apparent that he wasn't going to say anything else, Angel finally relented. "Yes, I promise. Do you want me to be an eco-friendly activist or something?" she asked. Jacob gave her a small smile and said, "The movie is more than that. I promise you, the next time we meet, I'll tell you the reason behind it. We better go. Its getting late." Jacob said with a heavy heart. Angel didn't want to move. She didn't want to leave Jacob either. She didn't want this moment to end. She wanted time to stand still. She didn't want the cruel hand of time ticking by, signaling her doom. She forced a smile for Jacob but she knew that he knew it wasn't from her heart. She let their intertwined fingers loosen up and slowly drop to their sides. After saying their goodbyes, Angel watched Jacob walking away.

 Knowing this might be the last time she ever saw him, Angel didn't want their separation to be a forgetful one. She watched a movie with Bianca the other day. She forgot what the title was. When the girl left the boy, she did something to him. When he asked her why, she said so that he will never forget her. Bottom line, she is a girl, Jacob is a guy. So, if she does the same thing as the girl did, Jacob will not forget her. Smiling, Angel ran and pulled Jacob back by his collar and threw herself on him. Being a martial art student, Jacob has always let his reflexes guide him before his brains could process the whole situation. Like a pro, he caught the full weight of Angel's body and managed to steady the both of them. Before he could say anything, Angel's large green eyes filled his vision. The next thing he remembered was that he felt slight pressure on and off his lips. It took him a while to realize it was Angel's lips causing that pressure. Both his reflex and brains failed him. He stood rigid with shock while Angel tried to figure out how to kiss. Finally deciding to just go for it, she placed her lips hesitantly against his. She carefully re-positioned her lips so that her lips cover all of his. Their noses were bumping against each other lightly but Angel found it uncomfortable. She tilted her head to the side while maintaining full contact with Jacob. Then she realized that she should apply more pressure to the kiss to actually make it a kiss instead of just, touching. So, she placed both her palms on either side of Jacob's face and deepened the kiss. How she managed to do that was beyond Jacob's knowledge but the whole experience left him light headed and slightly drunk. Drunk from what, no one has a clue. The whole episode lasted for a few seconds or maybe a minute, but for Jacob, the whole thing felt like eternity. Funny thing was, he didn't want it to end. He didn't mind having a pair of soft, smooth pink lips against a rough pair of lips resulted from all that chewing and biting. Finally satisfied, Angel broke the kiss. Her cheeks were flushed and she was slightly breathless. Jacob looked just as adorable but with little less composure then Angel. Mind you, it was just lips on lips and no tongue was involved. It wasn't lust, passion or love. It was merely a statement. Like a "Don't forget Me" card, only that it was in a physical form. Angel studied Jacob's reaction and wasn't too happy about it. Deciding that she needed to add something to spice the whole thing up, she punched Jacob on the arm as hard as she possibly could. 

That broke Jacob's trance and he yelped. "What was that for?" he asked in a hushed tone, feeling his cheeks burning up. Looking at Angel under his thick eyelashes, he could see that kissing him didn't have the same effect on her. "You know Angel, she is just so innocent. She didn't know that kissing you will leave such an impression." His mind said. "I did it because I wanted our separation to be memorable. I didn't want you to forget me. Take the kiss and the punch as a good bye gift. "She said with a genuine smile. Jacob could only smile back at her. He didn't know what to say. "Ju-just stay safe, okay? And don't ever change for anybody. I promise you, I'll see you soon." He said and walked away. Angel took one last look at Jacob and turned. She walked away quickly because another thought just poked into her mind you'll never see him again. Ever! She could actually imagine a voice for her thoughts. It was cold, cunning and wicked. And it never wanted to see her happy. It took pleasure in her pain. It was the Devil himself. With tears pouring down her cheek, Angel ran rest of the way back home.

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