A Change of Heart.

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"Interesting twist of events, I would say."

"That is an additional boy in the picture. He is not going to change anything."

"And that is why, Draco, you are still a child and unfit of ruling. How are you going to rule, if you do not even know what makes humans tick? Hell is not made up of souls magically, boy. It is a business deal where they come to pay their due." 

You mean to say that you make their life conditions favorable to make deals with?

Well, of course. Humans need to be dragged to the brink of desperation and despair to take drastic actions. They are generally a cowardly species. All we need to do, is give them the right push.

Is that sunshine boy part of your plan, Father?

The possibility of that is quite high, son. He is a necessary catalyst to keep the story interesting. She is more attached to him than you, after all.

"You are telling me after everything I did to her for all these years is going to go out of the window for that bloody blue eyed boy!!!???"

"2 things, Draco. 1) Keep your emotions in check. Showing them is a sign of weakness. No one is going to lift a damn finger to help you unless it means bring you down. 2) Never underestimate the power of human love. It has high theatrical value."

"Yes, Father. I will give you a splendid performance." 

And that was the beginning of the end. Of course, I didn't know that at that point of time. Everyone was amazed that the Ice Queen was starting to melt. They finally heard my laughter and shockingly, saw me smile. I started getting letters saying how beautiful I was when I smiled and I should do it more often. It made my stomach feel funny that people would notice small details like that. Jacob was stuck onto me like glue. I could not avoid him and it took me everything I had to stop him from coming to the house. Strangely, Draco said nothing. He didn't even utter a word of Jacob's existence in my life. 

My nightmares decreased considerably. Actually, there were none. Draco slept with me daily. He usually left after violating me. But now, we don't have sex. At least not when I am conscious. He undresses me (more like obliterates my clothes), undresses himself (I'm too engrossed in staring that it doesn't occur to me to help), pulls me under the covers with him, our bodies practically merged together and I end up sleeping off, just like that. There is something about being held by his cold hands and feeling his cold body warmed up by my body heat that just makes me feel incredibly at peace and I have never felt any more safer than right at that moment. When I wake up in the morning, he is still beside me, asleep and he looks so bloody vulnerable like a puppy which has hidden fangs that will tear your carotid artery out if you dare touch it. I usually move a lot on the bed to wake him up as well. Sometimes he does, most of the time, I know he just ignores me.     

It was the same this morning. I woke up being greeted by the sight that never fails to take my breath away. His messy blond hair that covers his eyes partially, his pink cheeks, his sharp features and most attractive of all, his ruby red lips. I didn't realize I was dangerously close to his face. I could feel my heart pumping. What am I doing!!? I should wake him like always! I thought. But a tiny bloody imp whispered, "What if he appreciates? You miss the touch of his skin on you, don't you? You always wanted his hands to slide just a little lower from your waist, right? You badly want him in you, don't you, you little naughty girl?" I licked my lips on reflex. Yes, I missed him. I haven't gone a day without him in me for years. Why change now? When its already too late for me? It was now or never. Damn the consequences. Its only going to be bloody or painful. I can take both. I leaned in and placed a hesitant yet gentle kiss on his lips. Almost immediately, Draco's hands shot out and wrapped around my waist; pulling me onto him. He deepened the kiss I was reeling from shock. I didn't plan if it actually goes on, what was I going to do? So I did the usual : I let him take charge. Except that he didn't. After kissing, he pushed me out of bed, got dressed and said, "Do that again and I will tear your lips off. Do not touch me if I do not give you permission to do so." I didn't reply. Draco vanished as I was having my bath. That was when I noticed the little blue black dots on my stomach. They were tender and a little hOT when I touched them. Blaming Draco, I ignored the prickling pain and quickly got ready for school. 

After all these years, there was finally something to look forward to. Jacob. There was finally someone I could talk to without having my thoughts and speech controlled. Draco gave me full freedom when I was with Jacob. My skin crawled thinking about the price I would have to pay for this moment of bliss. As long as it doesn't involve Jacob, I would be able to pay it. I figured. 

Jacob was waiting near the locker. As much as I was happy, I didn't show it. I maintained a distance from him. I didn't want both of us to suffer  when the time comes be apart and knowing Draco, it was a matter of time. I smiled at him. Jacob was always attuned to my emotions but always acted oblivious. He didn't want me to know that he knows. Just to spare me the guilt. At that time, I just thought he was an extremely excited innocent puppy. "So, what's the plan?" he asked. "Study. Library. I got to prepare for the entrance exam." i replied curtly. "Ahrgh, no fun. why are you always so serious?" he groaned. He looked at me, and my heart skipped a beat. Those eyes that had enhanced me for a very long time, somehow stirred a different feeling in me, not any of those I had experienced before. He inched closer to me, leaned in, his face just inches of mine. I could literally feel my cheeks burning but I could not tear my eyes from his. And then he grinned so widely and pulled my cheeks upwards, turning my face into a distorted version of a twisted smile. "See, so much better!" he said. i snapped his hands away and massaged my cheeks. This guy seriously is going to get punched. I just stuck my tongue out at him. He only smiled and slung his arm around my shoulders and steered me to class. It felt nice to have a warm body this close to me, compared to the usual ice cold.

He never concentrated in class. Never allowed me to either. There was always a question asked, a note passed or a tic tac to game challenged. It didn't really bother me cause high school education was too boring. I was never interested cause it was never a challenge. Everything was just too easy. Jacob on the other hand was a hard worker. He was a genius that way. Every time we walk, he made sure to hold my hand, intertwining our fingers. He never explained why and I never asked. All sorts of girls approached him, asking him to help tutor them, some asked him to be their personal coach (He was very athletic and played everything under the sun) and some boldly asked him out. He always smiled and declined politely. When questioned why, he simply says he only has time for me. The rumors spread like wildfire. We were a couple without either of our consent. We ignored it. I was just too tired, and had a strange feeling that Jacob was having fun with all the attention.

"Cat, lets go for a bike ride near the old park, tonight. It will be fun." Jacob whispered in class. I raised my eyebrow at him. I mouthed the word NO. Draco might be cool with us being friends, but this was too much. I didn't wanna risk it even thou I know it will be awesome. Jacob gave me his best impression of a sad lost puppy. I nearly laughed, but held my lips in a straight line. Hell no I was going to give in. I ignored him till the end of the school day. When the bell rang, I tried running away but he quickly grabbed my arm. I managed a weak smile and told him that my sister would not allow me to go no matter what. He said, "Sneak out. Throw a tantrum. Something. Anything. I will be waiting at the parking lot." patted my head and ran off.   

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