Touch Me.

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"So, what do you think??" 

"Think about what, exactly??" 

"Your new nightmare." 

"That is your best shot? Funny, I thought I can expect better things from you, Draco. Apparently, I overestimated you." 

"Patience, my sweet doll. I have much plans for you. Let's take it easy. After all, I do have all of eternity to toy with you. It isn't going to be fun if I let you see everything I'm capable of doing in such a short period of time we have known each other, isn't it?" 

"Are we going to do this every single day?" 

"Oh yes! Don't you not like my new theme for you this night?" 

"I don't get it, Draco. What exactly do you intend to accomplish by playing with me like this?" 

"You are of no importance to me, Angel until I have to answer your questions." 

"You are a bastard, Draco." 

"Am I now? What does that make you?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"(laughing) Figure it out yourself. Now, enough talk. Entertain me." 

"Draco, please. Not today." 

"What made you think I am going to abide by your wishes?" 

"Maybe the fact that no matter how much I hate you, you are the only friend I know?" 

"Friend? Who me??? Child, you are such an idiot. Is this the way you think a friend treats another? 

"How am I supposed to know? You tell me. You never allowed me to have friends." 

"A friend is someone who has a tender touch and knows all of your weak spots. His touch can make you forget everything around you. You will give yourself to him even if you know it is wrong. Even as sane as you are, know that he is only using you for his pleasure. You will give in just because it feels so darn good. He is your guilty pleasure." 

"You are talking about yourself, right? I thought you just said that is not how friends treat one another? And besides, your touch has no whatsoever effect on me." 

I knew that was going to get me in trouble, but I couldn't help it. Sometimes, he just pisses me off. I can never control myself around him. As strange as it sounds, he is the only person who sees me just the way I am. No hiding behind masks, no faking. No one else knows me the way he does. And no one knows him the way I do. But then again, what he shows me might just be a mask itself. But I do know one thing, challenging him is never a good thing.  

"Oh? Is that so?" Draco asked, his voice dangerously husky. I know I should be afraid but instead I get turned on. Something is definitely wrong with me. I'm more of a masochists and he, a sadist. This is the kind of relationship we have. Everyone hates pain but I was trained to love it. Ever since I was a kid, pain is the only thing I know. Pain will be the only thing I will ever know of. "Draco..." I said my voice trailing. He locked eyes with me, saying nothing. His intensity made my skin crawl but I didn't dare to look away. He moved closer, I backed away. I knew I had nowhere to run but my body was working on its own accord. It was like looking at a predator stalk its prey. It was slow but there was something sensual about it. I know if he had wanted to catch me, he could have done it without breaking a sweat. But Draco loves toying with me. He loves to make me think that there is a chance of escape, that there was hope before crushing it. And no matter how many times he does that, I always fall for it. Because that is what hope is all about.  

The way he is looking at me now makes me feel like he is staring right thru me, right thru my clothes, and all of a sudden, I'm feeling self-conscious. Instinctively, I hold myself tighter. Draco smirked. It was as if he knew what I was thinking. I felt heat rushing to my cheeks and his smirk got wider. God, he is so darn fucked up good looking when his lips curl the way they do. I looked away for a second. My mistake. The next thing I knew, my body made contact with my bedroom wall, hard. I managed to bite down on my scream. I closed my eyes as I felt pain surging through my body, from the tip of my hair to the end of my toes. I could hear a ringing sound in my ear and for a second, it was so overwhelming that I thought my head was going to burst. I bit on my under cheeks so hard till I felt a metallic taste on my tongue. "Damn, I slammed you a little too hard against the wall, didn't I?" Draco whispered in my left ear. I could feel his body close to mine. His heat was warming me up. It was a terrifying and comforting feeling at the same time. To be held by someone and to know that that someone wants nothing more than to see you be devoured by the flames of hell. His jeans came in contact with my bare thighs, and my heart skipped a beat. I could feel myself getting wet. And I know that he knows it too. And that thought alone was making me even more excited. "Well?" he asked, his voice barely audible. I kept my eyes close and remained silent. I had yet to recover from the initial shock. My eyes were watery and I could feel my larynx closing in on me. My best choice right now is to shut up. 

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