A Friend In need, is a Friend Indeed.

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"It looked like you had fun last night."

"Your point, Father?"

"You are going too soft on her. Is it me or are you getting attached to her??"

"I am not getting attached to her. But I just need more time, Father. I am not you. She isn't someone you can break easily. Let me have my way with her."

"Humans are weak, boy. That is why they are beneath us. That is why they give into their sins. That is why they are nothing."

"Not all humans are like that. Some are strong, right?"

"That is because they were not exposed to the right sort of temptation. Not everyone will fall for the same things, son. And do keep in mind that you don't have much time left. Lilith is already making her move. If this is the best I can expect from you, then, the deal is off."

"Very well. I will increase our playtime. Do not worry, I have something special in mind for her. I will not let you down."

I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache. I rubbed the back of my skull. It felt a little swollen. "Damn you, Draco." I cursed under my breath. But then it occurred to me, he was damned. I mean, if I really think about it, he truly was. He is a Child of Hell. And being damned means he goes to hell. So, yea, you do the maths. Even after last night, I still couldn't bring myself to hate him. Believe me, I've tried. But every time I look into his purple eyes, whatever hatred I have, disappears. I just don't get it. He isn't a friend. He isn't family. He certainly isn't my lover. But there is something about him that makes me want to hug him. So that I can comfort him, to make him feel like he belongs. I think all this abuse I have to endure is making me lose my mind. Nothing seems to make any sense anymore.

Signing, I tried turning over. I could barely move. My body was aching all over. After a few failed attempts of getting out of bed, I slumped back onto my bed and felt a searing pain on my back. My body jerked involuntarily and relax a moment later. I'll check out what he craved into me as soon as I can move a muscle. I thought. Something red caught my eye, lifting my neck, I saw that my bed sheet was stained red. I took me a moment to realize it was my blood all over the bed sheets. The once pure white satin is now a deep muddy red. I groaned inwardly. How in the world am I supposed to explain this to Bianca???? She was going to freak. I turned left and found myself staring at a girl with messy black hair, tired green eyes, and beautifully naked lying in something that looked like a pool of blood. I turned away from the mirror and ran my fingers thru my hair. I didn't know if my unnaturally exotic beauty was because of Draco or my parents. I didn't know if my feelings are influenced or not. Sometimes, I end up questioning my very existence. Who am I??? What am I??? I feel like a puppet and Draco, the puppeteer. Right now, all I wanted to do was to scream. Scream my heart out. And that's exactly what I did. Only difference is that I screamed into my pillow, as usual. Ignoring the pain and my protesting body, I forced myself out of bed. I held on to the chair, slowly balancing myself and moved slowly towards the mirror. My curiosity was bound to kill me, sooner or later. Turning my back towards the mirror, I turned my head towards the mirror, intending to see what was craved into my skin.

I gotta admit Draco was a true craftsman. There weren't rough edges to his work and the pressure used was consistent. Written in fine, elegant handwriting was the word, Draco Lucifer Morningstar.  solo mia per l'eternità. I sighed. Typical Draco. Labeling me as his property. I knew no one else would be able to view his art on my body but honestly, why take the risk? I decided to wear a turtleneck to school so that I could cover up all my bruises. I winced as my fingers accidentally brushed against my back as I was hooking on my bra. "Artistic, isn't it?" a drawl sounded from behind. I didn't bother turning around. "Yes, such fine quality." I replied, with mock admiration. Draco was beside me in that small time frame my brain fails to register movement. "Watch your tone with me, girl. I can send you to hell right now if I wanted to." He whispered. And for no apparent reason, I snapped. I didn't know what triggered it but I knew my life as it is now, is about to take a 180 degree turn, for the worst.

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