Chapter 8 -*COFFEE!!"

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Hey guys I know it's been ages since an Upload but I want to say thank you for staying with me. I'm off this week so maybe one more upload for the week. I'll try and be a little more regular although my 18th is coming up soon :o so old.

Thanks to all new fans

Thanks for reading

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Alyss of the Abyss


Chapter 8

I grinned to myself, I don't know why I was so happy. So comfortable, so... so.


Damn it, my body flew out of bed as a weight leaped onto the bed. My head hit the floor as a thump landed beside me. 

Someone bent down poking my face. "Violet... Vioooolllleeettt, Vya, Purple Pimple!"

"What!" I snapped my hands cradling my head. What time was it?

"Is that anyway to talk to your father?" My mum snapped.


"What happened to no caffeine for dad?" I groaned, my hand clutched the covers and I threw them over me along with a thump and a yelp on top of me. 

"Vya, who is this?" My dad screeched, I hated him on caffeine; it's like a five year old on steroids. He is super fast, super hyper and super...

"DAD PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed as my dad held me up in the air.

"Put her down Barry!"

The floor whooshed up to meet my face as I slammed against the floor. I groaned as my dad leaped over the bed leaning over the other groaning body. “Morning Sunshine!” He screamed picking her up and standing the very confused and half conscious, Ida to her feet.

                “Umm... Morning.” Her hands flew to her chest, “Ummm... I need to go to my room.” She clutched her beautiful breasts so that they didn’t move as she sprinted out of the room.

I silently waved them goodbye in my mind before dragging out a creased top from a pile on my chair and throwing it on.  As strange as the concept is to most people, I didn’t care that I was half naked in front of my parents, at least I had a bra on. During my rebel teen days I most of worn this much out of the house, all I cared was that I had a bra and pants on. I spun round as a flying book flew towards my face. My mum was fiercely beating my dad with a pillow screaming at him at the top of her lungs.

“But the fairies need help,” My dad screeched trying to claw at the door. His hair was a mess while he tried in vain to find the handle.

“For the last time Barry, the fairies aren’t happy with you.”

“What!” He yelped two octaves higher than I thought possible, collapsing into tears. He held his head in his hands weeping like a five year old. My mum hung over him with the pillow poised in both hands.

This was another reason I moved out, they fought like cats and dogs and I would end up being the one to sort it out. I ran a hand through my hair; yuck I must be a complete mess. I could feel the smear of makeup down my cheeks, mixed with...

“Darling you look absolutely abysmal, sometimes I wish you weren’t my daughter.” My mum whipped her perfect plasma blond her over her shoulder frowning at my complexion. Always the first the compliment as usual. “Well at least you’re trying.”

“She looks amazing,” My dad yelped again before being hit by another pillow.

“Umm... what are you two doing here and... Wait! How did you get in here?”

My mum glared at me, “Is that the way you talk to your parents young lady?”

“My roof, my rules!” I snapped crossing my arms. “Now, how in the cheese did you two get in here?”

“We flew, a magic pony called Pennypoo came to our house and sprinkled...” My dad grinned, bouncing up and down in delight.

“Your Father had a key.”

“NOOOOOOOO...” He cowered in a corner, I rolled my eyes as my mother moved towards another pillow. “She wasn’t meant to know.” He stage whispered, rocking back and forth, what with the dramatics today?

“Shopping!!” Mum squealed, “I want a cup of off with you.”

It felt like my skull exploded as I tried with all my might to jump out of the window. I yelled as my mum’s claws dug in and dragged me back.

“Isn’t this adorable!” My mum exclaimed for the FIFTIETH time in the last five minutes, she threw the dress onto the growing pile in my arms. “Oh this one too.” She yelped. I couldn’t even see over the top of the pile, I collided into someone sending all the clothes to floor. Oh no those will be missed.

“Sorry,” I muttered suddenly stopping as I glanced up to the girl in front of me, “Sam?”

Sam seemed to be just as unimpressed as me, she also had a pile of clothes in her arms but they looked too small to be her size. Which could only mean...

“VYYYAAAA, THAT GIRL IS ATTACKING ME.” My dad yelped jumping over a rack and sending the clothes sprawling in all directions. I slapped my forehead and groaned.

“Give me back my shoes,” Dena leaped over the  same rack, her shoe clipping another rack and sending it down.

“No it’s mine.” My yelped hurrying over to me. “Midget girl is attacking me.”

“I’m not a Midget,” Dena skidded to a stop as my dad held the heals in a taunting manner, “They’re mine old man.”

“Old man! Who do you think you are?” Dad tore the shoes from little Dena’s grasp, scurrying up some shelves and standing proudly above them. “I can’t see you Midget from here.” Dena growled climbing up after him, the shelves shock violently as the added weight made them unsteady.

“I never got to say bye yesterday, you seemed to want to leave quickly.” Sam smiled, putting down the clothes in her arms.

I shrugged, “I was tired.”

“Mmmmhmm.” Sam uttered in disbelief, “Ida is straight, you know.”

I scoffed, “I know but soccer has a goal, doesn’t mean you can’t score.”

Sam barked a laugh, “Yeah but you can’t play football.”

She grinned as my mother ran up to us. “Have you seen your father...”

“I’m the king of the castle and you’re the dirty rascal.” Dad laughed happily, as he hopped onto another stack of shelves.

“I need those shoes.”

“That damned man!” My mum snorted.

“Please, Mum that wasn’t very ladylike.” I added sarcastically.

“Ladylike my arse, I’m already married, I don’t need to be like that.” She pulled out her phone and hit a couple of numbers.

I rolled my eyes at her, “Who are you calling?”

She pulled the phone to her ears, “Who do you think? His Parents.”

My face paled, Sam glanced at me uncomfortably, “I have to go.” She mumbled, quickly grabbing Dena as she tried to leap another shelf. Oh dear Mushroom, I was going to die.

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