Chapter 16

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Christian's POV

The room was filled with life as I watched my family and Eliza's interact with each other in their house.

I sat in a comer smiling at the scene. It was so calm and lovely. My eyes did a quick search for her. They landed on two forms talking to each other. She looked so lovely laughing. My heart ached looking at her wanting the old us back but I know it was impossible.

She was laughing at what my mum had just said to her when Maria their maid started serving dinner. I saw her got up and made her way into the kitchen. I could see how her face appreciated the scent of food like she usually does. I fought the urge to follow her.

Soon Maria walked out with a tray of chicken and Eliza was nowhere in sight.

"Ruth would you get us some more spoons and forks please."
Eliza's mum said while arranging the food on the dinner table.

Ruth happily got up and went into the kitchen. After a few minutes she came back out and Eliza was still inside the kitchen. I kept staring at the kitchen door wondering when she will appear.

Ruth must had realised the look on my face. She handed out the set of spoons and forks. "Lizzy might probably need some help reaching the top shelf." she said to no one in particular.

I got up from my seat and took this as a chance to see her.


I heard her cute voice cheering. Damn how I miss the sound of it.
I leaned against the doorway looking at her. She was standing on a stool with her heels on. I felt myself getting worried she might fall. I could sense she was struggling with that skirt hugging her tightly which made it hard for her to move. It was so enticing to just stand and watch her. Time really did her well not that she wasn't already beautiful before.

She shot her hands in the air obviously thrilled with her achievement. Her famous dance caused her to trip a little on her heels. Her body wiggled to the left and right trying to balance herself. She finally steadied herself. Her face was a little shocked. I took some steps closer to her afraid she might fall.

She was about to get down from the stool when suddenly one of the paper towels dropped from the shelf. I watched her trying catch it and she plunged her body towards it really fast. I rushed over instinctively catching her in my arms.

She yelped when my hands were in contact with her waist preventing her from falling. I saw her beautiful smile and she started laughing. It was such a heart-warming sight. She looked so happy.

"Thank God you're here Ru-"

"What are you doing Eliza?" I cut her midsentence feeling concerned about her.

Her eyes shot open instantly and my eyes met those beautiful orbs staring right back at me. I was still holding her tightly against me. Her face was confused for a while as she blinked a few times. Her expression changed swiftly to being emotionless like all those times when I was with her. She quickly got away from me.

I was shocked at her sudden reaction. The warmth of her body was no longer near me. I felt an emptiness within me.

She cleared her throat and straightened out her skirt which slightly rose up from its original place. I focused on her the whole time.

"I needed to get these." She said in a cold tone while picking up the paper towels. "What are you doing here?"

I made a face thinking how dangerous it was for her to do that. She could have broken her ankle from the fall. She could even get paralysed if she fell on her head. I tried pushing out the ugly thoughts as I scanned her body looking if she was hurt.

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