Chapter 1

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At sixteen, Elizabeth Leah John couldn't ask for a happier life. She was contented with all that she had. A happy family, a great best-friend and most importantly, her best friend's brother .

"Lizzy, get your fat ass off me!"

Gethruth shouted at the top off her lungs. I laughed at my best friend's attempt to push me off her back.

Seeing her in this state was really amusing me. You see I'm quite hmmm I wouldn't use the term fat but rather quite chubby. Compared to Gethruth who was like a tiny mouse, I, Lizzy am like a stuffed cat.

Here's a better example, just picture fat Amy from the movie Pitch Perfect.

I glanced down my bottom to see my best friend's long, wavy brown hair splattered around her face. Gethruth Fairfax was the drop dead gorgeous looking type of girl. She owned the most amazing long legs which made her look good in any type of jeans. Her attractive appearance often attracts unwanted male attention but what I love about her is that her personality was just as beautiful as her outer appearance. 

My hair fell down my face as I looked down which I quickly tucked behind my ear. Unlike Ruth, my hair was in a confused state. It wasn't straight nor curly either. If there's one thing I'm grateful about myself, it would be naturally dark eyebrows. 

We were both in Ruth's room watching some cliché teenage romance movie at the time, a normal thing which has been going on for years throughout our 6 years of friendship.

We both met when we were 10 and instantly became great friends.

"Ruth, you're making quite a sad attempt trying to push me off. Seriously, are you even trying?"

I finally mounted off  Ruth's back but not before listening to the numerous squeals and pleads from her . Her pig-like laughter was still in full swing when his voice reached my ear.

"What's so funny?"

I turned to meet the one and only guy who could make me breathless and desperate for oxygen.


He came into the room with curious eyes that was set upon me. My giggles stopped instantly when he came into view. His presence was always so intoxicating. 

I averted my eyes from his, afraid he would see right through my disguise when he suddenly reached out to mess my hair.

"Stop. My hair's already bad as it is. You don't have to make it worst."

I'm already really insecure and him touching my hair was only making it multiply. Did I wash my hair recently? his hand must be really greasy. Great! I tried pushing his hand off my head when he pulled me closer to him taking a strand of my hair in his hand. 

My beating heart was going wild when he brought it closer to his nose smiling. 

" You know I've always liked your hair."

His eyes looked up to mine. My throat went dry not knowing what to say. Thankfully Ruth interrupted saying I was torturing her with my weight. 

Her messy state got me all giggly again. She looked out of breath as if she just went on a marathon run.

The Fairfax siblings and I had grown close over the six years. We would always be at each others  house since our parents are close friends which made it easier for us to hang out together.

Although we have been friends for forever, I still couldn't quite act like myself when I'm around Christian. My voice would always go up a few notch and I'd start to blabber out anything.

He was after all, the definition of perfect. Well in my eyes of course. His hair had the most beautiful shed of blonde and a little hint of brown. Gifted with a pair of mysterious hazel brown eyes that under certain light makes it look green. He was tall and well built with broad shoulders. The kind that makes you want to lay your head on. My height could only reach till below his ear.

I would never tell Ruth about my feelings toward her brother of course. He was everything while I'm just a plain girl who just happened to be their friend.  That is why I swore to myself to never tell anyone. Not now, not ever.

I can still remember the day it all started. How I had fallen so foolishly in love with Christian. I was 12 at that time. My hair was in a short bob hairstyle making my face look really round.

I was in school as usual waiting for Ruth to arrive. When a group of girls came walking towards me. I instantly knew who these girls were. It was Bertha Moore and her group of annoying friends Amy and Raven. I guess Bertha was on her normal routine of making me feel bad about myself 24/7.

I never really knew why Bertha hated me but what I was well aware of was that Bertha would do anything to make sure my life was a living hell.

It wasn't long till Bertha and her friends were standing in front of me.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to get herself a haircut. Haircut or no haircut you still look the same Elizabeth." she glared at me before a word started to form on her mouth "ugly".

Being a twelve year old at that time I felt really hurt by her words especially since I was really insecure about myself. The shy and timid girl that I am didn't dare to say anything to fend for myself and simply believed what Bertha said. My eyes watered as I stood there looking down not knowing what to do.

I could feel the looks the people around me were giving. Some were offering sympathetic look, some were disgusted with Bertha's behavior and there was also a group of people who were just laughing at the scene.

I was waiting for them to leave so I could run away when I heard a voice breaking the silence and saw Christian pushing his way through the crowd.

"I can't help saying the same about you Betsy" at this Bertha turned to look at him with utter shock and anger plastered onto her face.

"It's Bertha and you should mind your own business". Christian ignored her and continued talking

"Well then Betty, don't you have anything better to do than fussing over people's hair?"

Bertha was embarrass at his words. I could see that she was hurt by what he had said. Her mouth opened and closed as if she wanted to say something

"Whatever" She rolled her eyes and went away not before giving me the death glare.

I was still standing there motionless and was glued firmly on my spot. Christian then turned to me

"I think your hair looks amazing" He smiled brightly at me before walking away. That was all it took. That was the day I knew he had my heart and there was no way I would ever get it back.

I stood there awestruck remembering the smile he offered. It was as if there was a bright, blazing light behind him making him look like an angel. He never knew the impact it had on me since that day.

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