A normal day

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OMG IM SORRY! I've been busy with school and such, I will get to updating every week, at least try to! Anyways, here's a tid bit I came up with :3


It was a calming day, No issues, no Dave running off getting himself into trouble. So we all decided to hang out in the house watching movies, playing games and such. I was watching Dave play this silly game. Wheatley came from behind me "Hey, how are you?" I giggled "I'm fine, What is this game anyways?" He shrugged "All I know is you try and not kill anything the first time you play through it." "huh" I continued watching Dave play while Wheatley wandered to the kitchen for food. "Hey you should make us lunch! Give me a break!" I yelled out to him "Sure... Uh, what do you want?" "Anything, I don't care" "Ok" Was all I heard before he made us Mac n Cheese. About 15 minutes later he came back with food and we all ate. "Hey we should go to the mall again!" me and Wheatley looked at each other "uhhh no!" we both said. He pouted then began pondering about something again. "Ooooh! How about the pet shop!" I looked at Wheatley again and shrugged "Why not" and we left.

~~~Time skip to Pet shop~~~

While Dave was wondering around, I was looking at the puppies they had. I spotted a German Shepherd "OH MY GOODNESS WHEATLEY!" I made him jump "W-What it is!?" "It's a German Shepherd puppy! I want it!" I was jumping up and down while he sighed. "Ok ok, we can get the puppy" I fist bumped the air mumbling a 'yes'. I went and bought the puppy naming it Shadow (If you prefer a different name, that's fine). I got everything that was required done and was bringing the Pup home. I decided to take the new pup to the near by park to make sure she's(he's) socialized. Dave was running around the park petting every dog he could. "My god he's weird..." I know Wheatley, I know" I giggled and began training my pup to do the basic commands. "Hey Wheatley, we should have her be like our guard dog but funny." "How would you do that?" I shrugged "Teach her when she's like 3, letting her personality come out first" he nodded at the idea and we continued walking around.

~~~2 hours later~~~

"Hey its getting late, we should head home, and the puppy is tired." I said, well shouted, to Dave. I heard him awe but came running as we started heading home. On the way home Dave wouldn't keep quiet on he wanted to go to certain places "Don't worry, they wont be going anywhere anytime soon. We can go to them later on this week." he sighed and mumbled and 'ok' and kept quiet the rest of the way home.

~~~At home~~~

We made it home and it was time for dinner "How does spaghetti sound for tonight?" I asked the boys. I heard excited 'yeahs' from the living room and began making the stuff for spaghetti. I got everything together and began cooking it with some garlic bread (If you don't like it or allergic to it, it can be something else, USE THAT IMAGINATION!) "Dinners ready!" I yelled and they came bolting to the kitchen. I giggled and served them at the table. I grabbed drinks and sat down to eat. After we ate, we all began playing video games and yelling at the computer/console (I do that... a lot...) It became midnight and I found the two boys passed out on the floor. I sighed and brought them to their beds and I crawled in bed next to Wheatley. He snuggled me and I smiled falling asleep for the night.


I HOPE YE ENJOYED THIS! I derped in the middle of this and I'm doing this in school.... SO BE HAPPEH! heh, I will try and update at least every week! I need to get this mind working more, the weird thing is I tend to get ideas at night... Oh well! The next one will involve getting Cars... because I love them :3 Not the movie either ya weirdos XD Anyways that's all for now folks!

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