Senketsu's Power

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Me and Lydia went out the following morning to see if we could find Chloe. But so far no luck. "This is soooo a bust!" Lydia groaned. I nodded "indeed it is, but we can't give up on the search while she's still loose." Lydia sighed "I know it. Just annoyed. We've been walking for hours now" "...Lydia..." "Yeah?" "we've been walking for a good 30 minutes..." she looked away "oh... heh. I knew that" I shook my head and continued looking around. It was good 2 hours before we found any trace of Chloe. There was blood and a torn up person...? "Oh dear god..." Lydia went up to it "Ewwwww!" I was completely grossed out by the sight. I sighed "Well... we know she was here. Let's follow the blood trail" Lydia said. I nodded and followed her. We soon came to an open field and there was Chloe. Ready to devour her next meal. "CHLOE!!!" me and Lydia yelled in unison. She stopped and looked at us giving us a sinister smile. "So you came back with a friend huh? How cute" her words angered me. But I didn't let my rage control me. "We are going to destroy you once and for all!" Lydia yelled at her. She dropped the person and they scattered off for their life. I got into a fighting stance with Senketsu readying himself. Chloe turned towards us and readied her powers. I pulled the pin off the glove on my left hand "Life fibers synchronize!" I yelled and Lydia was looking at me confused. I changed into the outfit and a sword had appeared in my hand. "Whoa..." Lydia looked at me amazed. "But uh. What's up with the stripper look?" I glared at her "It isn't a stripper outfit. It's the way Senketsu was designed. Not his choice." I told her. She looked away "Okay... Anyways. Let's get her!" we at her and she charged at us. I pointed my blade at her aiming for the necklace. "Lydia, go for the necklace, that's her source of powers." Lydia nodded. Chloe knocked me to the ground and Lydia too. We both got back up. Lydia started to use her powers against her. "(Y/N), combine your powers with me" Senketsu told me. I looked at him "What good will that do?" "It will make us more powerful and able to get that necklace from him" I nodded and began running my powers throughout my blood and into Senketsu. My eyes turned (F/C) and I grew fangs. Ears and a tail(s) grew on me. Chloe looked at me and took a step back, but never backed down. "Alright Chloe. This ends now." Lydia was staring at me "Cool!" I looked at her and smiled. We looked at Chloe and I jumped after her. She launched herself at me and both tangoed in mid air. She threw me to the ground but I quickly got up. Lydia threw fireballs at her. I changed into a dragon and pinned her to the ground. Lydia quickly ran up and went for the necklace. Chloe struggled but she couldn't break free to stop Lydia from grabbing the necklace. Chloe started screaming "Ow...." me and Lydia said in unison. I turned back to normal and Lydia handed me the necklace "What are we going to do with it? Its filled with demonic power." Lydia told me. I looked at it "We can tame the demon and use the power for good" I shrugged throwing the idea out there. Lydia gave me a look "You are one nutty person. But it is a good idea. We can use the demon's power for good." I looked over to Chloe who was passed out on the ground. "What are we going to do with her?" Lydia went over to her and examined her. "She needs medical attention and fast. I know you don't like her but still." I sighed "I know, i'm not that rude. I'll take her down" I shifted into a Night Fury dragon and motioned Lydia to put her on my back. "Be careful. And Senketsu, make sure she doesn't do anything stupid." Senketsu chuckled "I will." We took off and headed to the hospital. Lydia headed back to the house.

Lydia P.O.V

I finally got back home to be greeted by my Davie and Wheatley. Wheatley came up to me "Where's my (Y/N)!?" "Calm down Wheatley, she's taking Chloe to the nearby hospital here in L.A." Wheatley relaxed. "Oh. ok. Wait what." I held up the necklace "This was the cause of her powers" he looked at it "Huh. Interesting little thing" I nodded "I agree." I looked over to David and hugged him "Missed ya!" he grew a big smile "I missed you too! Glad you came back ok" I nodded "So do I" we went over to the couch and watched TV while waiting for (Y/N) to get back.

(Y/N) P.O.V

I arrived at the hospital and gently slid Chloe off my back. I roared alerting some nurses and flew off. I flew in front of the house and then turned normal. I stretched opening the door. "(Y/NNNN)!!!" Wheatley ran up to me and hugged me tightly. "Goodness darling. You missed me a lot huh?" Wheatley looked at me nodding a lot. I giggled and hugged back. We went to the couch and relaxed. "It's only 1 in the afternoon. Should we go out and do something?" I asked. Lydia nodded looking at her phone. She suddenly screamed "AHH! WHAT!" I jumped out of my seat and onto the floor. "MARK IS DOING MEET UPS!" she screamed again. I sighed "Whose all with him?" she looked at her phone "Him, Tyler, and Ethan" my head shot at her "Ethan. The Blue Boi Ethan? The Cranky Crew boy?" she nodded. "WE ARE GOING!" I bursted out. Wheatley and David were very confused "What is going on?" David asked us. We both looked at him. "Don't mind us. We are just fan girling over youtubers because we can." I told him. Lydia laughed. "And they are like the hottest people on earth" David got jealous and so did Wheatley. "No need for jealousy. We won't do anything but hang out with them" I told the two. "Are we off?" I looked at Lydia. "Yes. Let's-a-go!" I laughed at her fake Italian accent which was pretty on point. "We'll be back later boys, watch the stuff" Lydia waved and we headed to the park Mark and everyone was at.

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