Chapter 12

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A/N: SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING HOLY FUCK! And the pic is relating to a transformation you will read in the story :3 Enjoy!


We were hanging out with our friends and David's new girlfriend, Lydia. I heard ruffling but shrugged it off as some kids being goofy in the bushes. Little did we know it was a demon after me, well my necklace to be exact. I shot my head up sensing the demon energy. "Hey what is it (Y/N)?" I shook my head "N-Nothing." Lydia gave me a weird look. She came up to me and whispered "I know you're sensing that demon." I looked at her "Shhhh I want today to be as peaceful as possible." she nodded with a giggly smile. I was about to take a bite out of my sandwich when the demon decided to show itself. Well... Herself actually. "What the!?" Wheatley jumped in surprise. Me and Lydia were utterly confused. "How is that Chloe???" she asked me. I shrugged "I have no idea..." I stared in awe. Chloe was now half demon, she has red eyes, horns, black aura coming off of her. And she even has wings! I shook my head touching my amulet necklace to activate it. I turned into (Choice of strong animal, Myth or real) and got into a fighting stance. I growled and bared my teeth(Fangs) at her. Chloe laughed "Haha. You guys are fools, I am much stronger than you!" I growled again "Prove it!" wrong idea... She flung me into one of the trees that in turn snapped at my weight. I got up in shock but then went to attack her. She blocked it and injured me. I growled and turn back into a human. Lydia ran up to me while Chloe walked away laughing. "You alright?" I nodded "Yeah... I'll be fine..." Wheatley came up to me and picked me up. "Your leg is sprained. I'm carrying you home." "But-" "No." Lydia interrupted me "You need to be carried. If you walk on it, it will get worse and possibly not heal" David finishes. I sighed in defeat "Alright... carry me home." Wheatley carries me home with Lydia and David watching for anyone else wanting to pick a fight.

~Skip to home~

Wheatley layed me down on the couch and Lydia came up to me with some medicine. "I'll be back, i'm going to get some pain meds." David says while kissing Lydia on the cheek. "Alright, be careful David." he nods "I will" and walks out the door. Lydia turns her attention back to me and my annoyed face. She laughs "It needs to be done. If not you know the consequences" I sighed "I know I know. Just need to go train that's all" Lydia nodded "I know you do, but you need this leg of yours better before you do. Two days won't hurt you." I sighed knowing she won't let me out until my leg is healed. After she finished patching up the cuts on my leg and getting it wrapped up, she helps me up and to my shared room with Wheatley. "Now, if you need anything just ask." I nod and Lydia goes to help Wheatley with dinner. I sighed hoping the days go by fast.

~Two days later~

"Right! Your leg is completely healed!" Lydia says excitedly. I smile and get up "That means I can go train. We can't leave that demon wandering around town." Lydia nods. "I agree, I will prepare myself" we both go off in different directions. While I was down I did some research on how I should get stronger and looking up on some gear, I came across this article on 'Freaky clothing gives you powers!' I read into it and found out to be like a demon, but nicer...? (Kill La Kill reference here) The fibers it's made out of is called Life Fibers? Its also called a Kamui. Its Navy Blue and has red and yellow on it. It's strange looking but still supposedly has powers that can help me. With all my pondering about the item I arrived more quickly. "Hello miss! Are you here about this Kamui?" I nodded "Yes sir. I am interested in owning it." the store keeper nodded and went into the back. I took the time and looked around 'Looks like he likes to collect strange items...' I hear the keeper come out from the back holding the sailor suited Kamui. It looked.... Angry? I shook it off and looked back at the keeper. "His name is Senketsu. He can get... feisty..." I looked at 'Senketsu' "That's fine. How much?" "Ah it will be 50 yen please" 'Thank god I have extra yen...' I handed the guy 50 yen and took the Kamui. Once I was out of the shop I looked at him as for he was looking at me already. "Now, how do I use you?" Senketsu opened his... mouth?... And grabbed my hand. I was confused at his actions when he drew blood. "Wha- Ow! What was that foooorr.... Holy...." (Same outfit as Ryuko) I looked down at myself blushing "U-Uhm...." "Not my choice..." he mutters. I sighed "I'll deal with it. Now.. I need to train." "Train for what?" his eye looks at me curiously. "There is this demon that's stronger than me. She is a threat." I tell him and he hums in acknowledgement. I knew for a fact that I had Senketsu's true form by the way he looked. I started walking to an empty field when I saw demon Chloe. "That's her." I pointed her out to him "So she's the one who clobbered you before you got me?" "yep" I confirm his statement "That's the one." he looked at her "I know what happened. She must have gotten ahold of a necklace like yours but laced with demon energy." he explains. That explains her new accessory. "She does have a new necklace i've never seen before." Chloe turned and saw me. "Yep. It's the necklace." Senketsu saw it and confirmed his suspicion. "Well well well. What do we have here? A stripper?" Chloe mocked me. I grew angry "I am not a stripper! The outfit isn't my choice!" I barked at her. "Hmph whatever. I'm going to kill you now." with that she came at me. I got in a stance and got ready for her. I dodged her attack. "You should shift into a dragon!" Senketsu suggested. I nodded and shifted into a dragon with Senketsu. While I was battling with Chloe, my mind slightly wandered. 'How did he know I could shift?' I pondered and shrugged it off. 'I'll ask later.' The fight came to a stand still and Chloe ran off before I could grab her necklace. "Shit...." I sighed and changed back to a school uniform..? Ok then.  "Let's head back to where you live, you need rest." Senketsu told me. I nodded and headed to my house where a small family awaits me.

~At Home~

I opened the door to be greeted by Lydia on the couch with David making her rest and Wheatley making tea. "Hey.." I said lazily. Wheatleys head pops up and he comes rushing to me. "Darling, your battered up! And where did you get the uniform??" I sighed "I found HIM at a sales person's store and got him. His name is Senketsu. He helped me out quite a bit" Wheatley seemed to glare at Senketsu and walked off acknowledging my little adventure. "I also ran into her..." everyone's head shot to me "You alright??" Lydia asked me worriedly "I'm fine. Just need some rest." I yawned and headed to my room. "It's late, getting some shut eye. See you all in the morning!" Wheatley pecked my cheek before returning to the kitchen. Sharing our goodnights, I went to the bedroom and grabbed some PJ's out. I took Senketsu off and put him on a hanger. "Night Senketsu." he looked at me before shutting his eye "Goodnight (Y/N)"


Like my reference? I hope so X3 Anywho, Sorry for not updating and keeping up with stuff. School is a drag and being sick doesn't help either.  I am making Saturdays my update days. Lulucifer ouyt!~

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