Chapter 1 My Best Friends

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  • Dedicated to Timbo

Hi a new story once again. I hope you like this tell me anything you have to say and please don’t be afraid to check out my other two Harry Potter fanfics. I will greatly appreciate it.

I DEDICATE THIS TO TIMBO! My butter pooping butterfly he likes corn and bananas He also likes to draw so say hi to him THANK YOU! Please bear with me it’s a little boring in the beginning but isn’t every book I promise it gets better. Oh, the photo is of Violet. Violet is younger than that but she gets older. She doesn’t have violet’s eyes but it was hard to find that.


XOX Mandy I <3 Sirius Black!!


Chapter 1  Hogwarts


“TAKE THE KIDS AND GO!” a deep voice screamed. I winced. I couldn’t see anything but darkness. I heard footsteps then another deep voice said.

“NO, I’m taking Violet and we’re leaving.” It said. I wish I knew who this voice belonged to and how they knew my name. I saw green flames then a flash of green light. I was in darkness again. I heard a terrible scream then evil laughter. I heard the second deep voice crying and then I woke up.

End Dream

I woke up in a cold sweat and my heart was beating really fast. I sat up and looked around my small room. I saw everything in its place and lay back down. I tried to go back to sleep but that nightmare kept haunting me. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw it was 4:00 in the morning. Well might as well get up and get ready. I didn’t feel like taking a shower so I just got dressed in black skinny jeans and a black tank top with a white vest over it. I walked down the stairs while putting my long black hair in a messy ponytail. I walked into the kitchen stopping at the mirror in the hallway to check my appearance. I wiped away the sand clumps from my violet eyes. I know violet eyes weird right. My dad says they make me unique. I’m a meatmorphagus but for some reason I can’t change my eyes. I like them but people look at me weirdly on the street. I can change my hair but I usually don’t unless it changes with my moods. It changes yellow when happy, dark blue when sad, dark red when angry, and orange when scared. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. My parents are both wizards but they don’t really use it a lot so basically the only thing I know about wizards is about a school called Hogwarts. I pulled out the orange juice and poured a glass.

“AWOOOOOO!” I heard coming loudly from the basement. I dropped my class causing it to break and spill everywhere. I ignored it and went to investigate. I grabbed a rolling pin from the drawer and walked slowly down the basement steps. I stepped down the last step and heard it again.

“AWOOOOOOO!” It was louder this time and caused me to fall over and hit my head on the step. I stood up grumbling to myself. It was coming from the cellar door. My dad, Remus Lupin, told me never to go in there and I listened but I had to go in there now. I heard my mom, Tonks Lupin, waking up so I knew I had to go fast or I would get in trouble. I walked up to the door and pulled the door open fast. What I saw scared me. There was what looked like a giant wolf standing on its hind legs snarling at me. I stood frozen for a second then realized it probably wouldn’t take mercy on because I was ten and I started to back away. The wolf saw what I was doing and charged me.

“AHHHHHHH!” I screamed. I knew mom heard me because I heard thudding meaning she was coming down the stairs. The wolf was almost at me and I closed my eyes and covered my face. I felt my mom next to me and peeked on eye out. I didn’t see the wolf anymore. I saw my dad lying on the floor covered in just a blanket. I started shaking realizing what that giant wolf was. It was a werewolf but I didn’t think they existed just made up. Like I said I don’t know a lot about the wizard world. I felt my mom sit down next to me and I hugged her. It really freaks a person out when you’re about to get eaten by a werewolf that ends up being your dad.

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