Chapter 4 The News

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HIYA so thank you for reading my story please leave comments and such THANK YOU!!! Now I know this story is not exactly in the story line but as long as everything happens then everything will be A OK Yepporoni I think that’s a word like pepperoni but with a yep added into it.

This is going to be a long chapter and I know I should’ve stopped like in the middle but I felt like doing a long chapter so they’re you have it a long chapter for today.

I’m changing it up a bit I know they usually go to Hogsmede on Saturday and have quidditch games on Saturday but I am going to have the quidditch game on Sunday and hogsmede and Halloween on Saturday WINK WINK BIG SPOILER! Maybe

I am dedicating this to GiRaLlDaWaY because she is AWESOME but seriously who isn’t minus the weirdo’s that walk up to you and ask if you have any elephants DOES IT LOOK LIKE I HAVE AN ELEPHANT! ANYWAY she is reading my story and giving me LOTS of feedback SO TAHNK YOU!!




Chapter 4 The News

Violet’s POV

I woke up the next morning again to Hermione screaming at me.

“WAKE UP! WE HAVE 15 MINUTES BEFORE CLASS!” She said. This time I didn’t fall off the bed just kicked Hermione and sat up while she screamed ow. I chuckled and got ready in five minutes. While I was getting ready I remembered what happened yesterday and smiled but then frowned at what caused that to happen. Harry kissed me but my dad is Sirius Black. Wow, that is so bittersweet. I walked down the stairs with Hermione fighting with myself. Should I be happy or sad? I want to be happy but sad at the same time. Me and Hermione walked down to the great hall assuming the boys were already down there. We walked in and I saw my Lupin at the teacher table. He looked at me sadly. He wasn’t my dad so I am now calling him Lupin. I sat down at the Gryffindor table next to Ron Hermione sat next to Harry and smiled at me waggling her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at her.

“Morning boys.” I said buttering some toast. They both smiled at me seeing as I wasn’t sad. I smiled back but on the inside I was sad. Who wouldn’t be my dad is Sirius Black and is trying to kill me and my best friend. I sighed deciding to just ignore it. He was never my dad Lupin was so it doesn’t matter. But why would Sirius Black want to kill his own daughter.

“So what class do we have first?” Ron asked I shrugged and looked at Hermione.

“We have Transfiguration first.” She said. I smiled Transfiguration was my best subject.

“Do you think I should ask McGonagall about my Hogsmede form?” Harry asked speaking for the first time. I jumped because it scared me. He smiled at me and I smiled back feeling awkward.

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