Chapter 5 The Bad Side

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HI so I am writing this right now and I hope you like it!

I am dedicating this to kodykatt because she is awesome and other reasons that I don’t feel like writing down but yes I am dedicating it to her.

THANK you all of you peeps who are reading this because I love feedback and I’m very happy at how good this story is doing  THANKS!!!

Xox Mandy I <3 SB (figure it out)!!


Chapter 5 The Bad Side

Lupin’s POV

I was angry but not as mad as Dumbledore. Everyone on the field rushed into the castle. Everybody was whispering things about what happened. I walked quickly back to my office and only when I got there did I realize that I hadn’t seen Violet with Harry. I stopped walking. She gets affected by them too. I ran as fast as I could to the quidditch pitch but when I got there it was too late. Violet was falling from the stands as a big black dog looked down on her. When I saw the dog I did a double take. It can’t be him. I shook the thought of and looked at Violet. She was on the ground but looked conscious. Good she needs to stay that way. I ran towards her.

“VIOLET!” I yelled. I knew she heard me but I don’t think she knew it was me. I saw her slowly passing out but I knew that was bad so I ran up to her and did the first thing I could think of. I pulled out my wand and squirted water in her face. She immediately sat up and screamed. She looked at me.

“What the heck was that for?” She asked trying to stand up. I chuckled but then she screamed.

Violet’s POV

I screamed. When I tried to stand up it hurt really bad. I looked at my foot and it looked like it was twice the size of my normal foot. My dad, the blur who screamed, chuckled at me. I playfully glared at him. I poked my foot lightly but then pulled away because it hurt a lot. It didn’t hurt anywhere else except a few scratches. I looked up in the stands. I didn’t see anything but my dad looked like he knew who pushed me.

“Dad, do you know who pushed me?” I asked him as he helped me up. He didn’t reply just picked me up and started walking back to the castle. I knew he wasn’t going to tell me so I let it go. I wonder if Harry is okay. My dad brought me up to the hospital wing and set me on the bed next to the sleeping Harry. Ron and Hermione were by him and turned around to see who was here. When they saw me in my dad’s arms hurt they came running over.

“Oh, Violet what happened?” Hermione whisper yelled as my dad set me down. My dad left to get Madam Pomfrey and Ron and Hermione sat down next to me. They looked tired. I looked at Harry and even though he was sleeping he looked kind of sad.

“What happened to Harry?” I asked them. They looked sad.

“Well, when the dementors came on the field he fell off of his broom.” Hermione said quietly. I sucked in a breath. He isn’t hurt is he?

“Dumbledore rushed onto the field and slowed him before he hit the ground. I’ve never seen him so angry.” Ron said shuddering. I nodded.

“Also his broom ran into the Whomping Willow. It was shattered to pieces and you know how much he loved his broom.” Hermione added. I nodded sadly knowing that’s why he looked sad.

“What happened to you? You looked like you fell off of the stands.” Ron said somewhat sarcastic. I chuckled at the irony.

“Well, I kind of did.” I said quietly. Hermione gasped then hugged me so tight I couldn’t breathe.

“Hermione *gasp* can’t breathe.” I croaked. She chuckled and pulled away. My dad came back and sat on the other side of me. Madam Pomfrey came in right after him and looked at my foot. She nodded to herself and then looked at us.

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