Chapter 11 Coffee With Just A Pinch Of Awkward

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Beginning: Secrets

So I am finally uploading a chapter of this. *Happy Dance* 

I really hope to be uploading more, but I have been concentrated on another book of mine. But now is a time for this so let's get started! ;) 

External Link is The Violet Lupin Collection. Enjoy!




Chapter 11- Coffee With Just A Pinch Of Awkward

"Does it feel any better?" asked Madam Pomfrey as she examined my bite. I shrugged, looking away from my arm.

"Yeah. A little." I answered. Madam Pomfrey nodded and feel silent, concentrated on her work. I did feel better than I had yesterday. My ankle was fully healed and so was my leg. But the werewolf scratches and the bite were going to take a while to heal. But for now, at least they felt a little better.

"So when do you think it will be healed?" I asked Madam Pomfrey, not liking the awkward silence.

"The potion did help a lot. It has scabbed over so now I will be able to wrap it properly. But you should know Violet, there is going to be a scar." Madam Pomfrey said to me. I nodded, already knowing that.

"I know. Battle scars." I laughed. Madam Pomfrey smiled at me before leaving me to help another little girl who had the flu. I sat on the uncomfortable hospital bed, leaning up against the wall, for a while. I was bored out of my mind, simply sitting there and thinking. I thought about a lot of things, mostly unimportant things. But the longer I sat there, I began to think about the events of the past few days. So many things had happened all at once, I was surprised it had only been a couple of days. We managed to rescue both Buckbeak and Sirius, with only minor injuries. Ron's leg was healed now, which was good, but that only left me sitting alone in the Hospital Wing. Everyone else still had classes so they couldn't visit me, sadly.

"Do you think I could get up and walk around a little?" I asked Madam Pomfrey before she went into her office.

"If you're really careful, then yes." She answered. I smiled and swung my legs off of the bed. That hurt more than I had expected, but I suffered though it. Madam Pomfrey helped me stand up and steadied me when I stumbled.

"I got this." I joked, taking my hand off of the bed. I had been laying down for about two days now so I was stiff anyways.

"Be careful." Madam Pomfrey warned me. I nodded and took a step forward. Didn't hurt that much. Just a little sting, I guess. My right leg did hurt more than I had thought so I had a sort of limp as I walked. But it felt good to get up and walk so I tried my best to ignore it.

"That's good." Madam Pomfrey observed as I pulled my right leg towards my chest. I didn't pul it all the way up, knowing that would hurt.

"Why don't you sit back down now. I don't want you to strain your leg." Madam Pomfrey told me, leading me back to my hospital bed. I begrudgingly sat back down and leaned against the wall, once again bored.

"I'll be in my office." She said and then left to her office. I sighed and pulled out the journal Hermione and Ron had gotten me. Might as well give drawing a try.


"I don't think that's a bunny..." I said to myself, squinting at my drawing of a bunny. Oh well, practice makes perfect.

"Neither do I." I jumped at the speaker's voice, turning around to see George. I frowned, noticing that Fred wasn't with him. Odd.

"Where's Fred?" I asked George, who sat on the edge of the hospital bed. I moved over so he could sit next to me.

Beginning: SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now