Chapter 12 Goodbyes

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Beginning: Secrets

External Link: Outfit that she wears to the Weasley's house. Made on by ME. :) 

Song: Cry by Kelly Clarkson.




Chapter 12- Goodbyes

"If he shows up here again, I am going to shoot him." I growled putting a hand on my hip. I was still tender and achy from my first full moon, but a week of resting had helped.

"He's not going to show up here again. He knows better than that. But he's not kidding about this, he means it. He does not want you to go to Hogwarts, and he does not want you living with me." Remus told me, holding up Sirius' note. We had been contemplating it throughout the week, trying to find some way that I could go to Hogwarts without getting Sirius arrested. Sure, he was being severely aggravating right now. But he was also my biological father and I couldn't just let him get arrested.

"Too bad. Where else am I supposed to go?" I asked, referring to both of Sirius' "requests."

"You could go to Beuxbatons. In France." Tonks spoke up from the kitchen table, where she was leaning back her chair and popping strawberries into her mouth. I made a face at her.

"Ew, no." I replied. She shrugged, eating another strawberry. Remus frowned, thinking of what we could do. I had suggested going to Dumbledore, but Remus immediately shot it down, not wanting to give Dumbledore any trouble. So we were left to figure this out on our own.

"You could stay with the Weasley's. I'm sure Molly wouldn't mind having you. And as far as education goes, you have to go to school, and the only option is Beuxbatons." Remus finally said. That seemed to be the only solution he could think of. They had no idea where Sirius was, so they couldn't talk to him. And he seemed very clear on what he wanted.

"He does realize that me living with someone else and going to a different school changes nothing, right? I'm still a werewolf, either way. And I'd be endangering the Weasley family by living with them. Plus, who knows if Beuxbatons will even let me go there." I said, being negative as always. Though it was all true.

"I think he's just feeling kinda guilty. He's just gotten out of prison and seen his daughter, whom he hasn't seen in thirteen years. I'm sure the guilt of not being there is making him super mega protective." Tonks reasoned. I raised my eyebrows at her while Remus let out a small smile, more of a smirk.

"Well if only you could explain that to him." I mumbled, taking a seat in the chair next to her. This whole ordeal was stressing me out. Meeting Sirius, becoming a werewolf, going through a weirdly awkward break-up with Harry, and having Sirius go all super mega protective on me was too much to handle all at once.

"I'm really sorry Violet but I don't think there's anything else we can do." Tonks smiles at me comfortingly, setting the feet of her chair back on the floor. I sighed, stroking Jazz's head as she jumped in my lap.

"Fine. I guess I'll go start packing." I said, begrudgingly heading upstairs with Jazz. Both Tonks and Remus pat my back as I walked out.

"At least I'll still have you." I told Jazz as I entered my room, jumping at the screech of an owl at my window. I set Jazz down on my bed, her meowing loudly at the owl, and quickly opened the window. As the owl flew into my bedroom and landed on my desk, I quickly recognized it to be Hermione's owl.

"Thanks." I said to the owl, taking the letter from his leg. Hermione had named her owl Henry, which I always told her was a stupid name for an owl. Henry did not like me, but he waited patiently for me to read Hermione's letter and reply before flying out of the window.

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