Chapter 9 My Life Is Changed Because Of A Tree

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HASTA LA VISTA!! wait no thats at the end OOPS!! I had sugar! MWUAHAHAHAHAHAH well um vibrate vote can comment and fan throw up BARF BLAEH!!!!! bye OH NOW HASTA LA VISTA!!!!

Xox Mandy <3's U!!!


Chapter 9 My Life Is Changed Because Of A Tree

"Is she okay?" I heard a girl asked. My brain then decided that this girl was Hermione as someone else spoke.

"I think so. Or at least I hope so." A boy said sadly. His voice was very sad and seemed like the boy wanted to cry but wasn't. Or not anymore. I slowly opened my eyes to a crack and saw Hermione and Harry staring at me. They hadn't realized I'd opened my eyes and they were both just staring down on me. It was kind of scary. I opened my eyes all the way to their surprise and looked around. Ron was sitting on a bed a little ways away with his broken leg bandaged. He too was looking at me but he couldn't walk. Hermione almost squealed but controlled herself.

"Vi, you're okay." She said hugging me. I winced because I had a few bruises from where I fell and cuts in places. I smiled and hugged her back pulling away to look at her.

"I'm fine." I said laughing a little at her worriedness. She smiled at me. I looked over at Ron and frowned at his leg.

"You okay?" I asked still looking at his leg. He laughed and nodded.

"I'm fine." He said. That didn't convince me though because he winced as he tried to turn towards me. I rolled my eyes at him. I turned back to the other two. Or Hermione, I was avoiding eye contact with Harry. Even if he was angry and did't believe Sirius was innocent there was no need to take it out on me the way he did. Hermione and I talked about what happened for a couple minutes before Dumbledore walked in interrupting us. We all jumped up and ran over to him. Everyone except for Ron. Madam Pomfrey was in her office working so I felt it was safe to ask.

"Where's my dad?" I asked. Dumbledore smiled at me but then frowned shaking his head.

"I'm afraid to say that he has been taken to Professor Flitwick's office on the seventh floor. I believe it is too late." Dumbledore said as Harry tried to interrupt. Dumbledore looked at me sadly when my eyes widened and my face dropped. A tear came to my eye and I quickly wiped it away. Harry looked at me worriedly and he looked like he was about to comfort me but I turned away from him and went to sit by Ron's bed thinking it was over and we couldn't to do anything to save my dad. One tear did fall down my face as I sat down on a chair next to Ron's bed. Ron picked up one arm and hugged me. I leaned on his shoulder and listened to Dumbledore talk to Hermione and Harry.

"What we need is more time?" Dumbledore said looking at Hermione. Hermione looked confused for a second then her eyes widened and she nodded quickly.

"Listen quickly and pay attention. Sirius is locked on the seventh floor, thirteenth window from the right. If all goes well you will be able to save more than one life tonight. But remember you must not be seen. Miss Granger you know the law, you know what's at stake. You must not be seen." He said staring down on them. I perked up when he began talking but in the end I was really confused.

"Three turns should do it. I'm going to lock you in. Good luck." Dumbledore said as he looked at his watch and left the wing. I looked at Hermione confused along with everyone else in the room. She ignored us and pulled something glittering gold out of her shirt and put it around Harry and herself. I stood up giving Ron a sorry look knowing he couldn't get up. He shrugged and I ran over to Hermione. As soon as I got closer I noticed she was holding a time turner. My eyes widened and Harry looked completely confused. I looked at Hermione who just sighed and put the shiny gold chain around me too. I knew we were going back in time but not why. Before harry could ask Mione turned the time turner three times and we were back in time. We stopped spinning around and we all looked around the empty entrance hall.

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