Chapter 1

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Zendaya's POV

I woke up by my phone ringing. I didn't check who it was. I snatched the phone and awnsered

Zendaya: Hello?

???: Hey. Your still in bed aren't you

Zendaya: Yeah...What?

???: You didn't bother to check who this is did you?

Zendaya: Nope

???: Guess *giggles*

Zendaya: Oh. Hey Ross!

Ross: Its not only me. Bella's here

Zendaya: Okay I'll go get ready can you pick me up?

Ross: Sure. Be there in 5

Zendaya: Bye bitch 

Ross: Bye bitch

*End of call

I spring out of bed and sprinted to my bathroom. I hopped in the shower. Got out and dried off. I put my clothes on. A white crop top. I put on highwaisted shorts and tied a flannel around my waist. I slipped on my black vans, brushed my teeth and did my hair in a messy bun. I grabbed my bag and phone and ran down stairs. I said my goodbye and walked out locking the door. To my surprise Ross was not there. It was Harry, I run to him.

"Hey Haz, long time no see, huh" I say waving. 

"Oh hey Zen, yeah it's been awhile." He says looking down at me

"Maybe we should hang out tomorrow." I mumbled so he couldn't hear me.

"Yeah, we should" He starts "I'd like that" He says smiling at the ground. I look up at him and he smiles. He hands me a piece of paper

"Me and the others phone numbers, we change them up a lot, text me okay?" He says I nodd and put the paper in my bag.

"Bye Harry" I say as he starts walking away. He turns

"Bye love" He said and I blushed. He's such a flirt. He walks away leaving me to wait for Ross alone.

"Where's Ross?" I ask myself. His car pulled up and he rolled down the window.

"Get in loser, we're going shopping!" He yells making me laugh. I walk to the passenger seat and sit down. 

"Hey Ross!" I say

"Sup Daya!" He says giving me fist pump as he drives.

"Where's Bella?" I ask because she's not in the car

"With Rydel" He answers.

"Oh" Was all I said looking out the window until we reached his house.

"Welcome home" He says opening the door. We walked in and Bella along with Rydel  came running down the stairs and collided their bodies into mine making me almost fall.

"Okay thats enough" I whisper

"Sorry" They reply

Ross' POV

"Um...Zendaya..." I start. She looks at me

"Yeah Ross" She says

"Um whats that notebook thing?" I ask pointing to her bag

"Oh nothing!" She says turning to Bella

"Oh really?!" I say grabbing in out her bag and start running in my room making her chase after me

"Give me my book back you bitch!" She yells hitting my locked door. I flipped through the pages.. Then it hit me....A song book! She always wanted to be famous for her own songs, but for now she only dances, acts, and sings songs that people write for her.

Never Enough

Wanna pull an all nighter

And get into something we'll never forget

Wanna stay up and party

The weekend away and not know when to quit

Wanna drive in the night to the end of the earth

And go over the edge

Wanna wake up with you

And say baby let's do it all over again

Lips so good I forget my name

I swear I could give you everything

I don't need my love

You can take it, you can take it, take it

I don't need my heart

You can break it, you can break it, break it

I just can't get too much of you, baby

It's never, it's never enough, never enough

It's never enough, never enough

Come on

Come on

Wanna pull an all nighter

And get into something we'll never forget

Wanna stay up and party

The weekend away and not know when to quit

Wanna drive in the night to the end of the earth

And go over the edge

Wanna wake up with you

And say baby let's do it all over again

Lips so good I forget my name

I swear I could give you everything

I don't need my love

You can take it, you can take it, take it

I don't need my heart

You can break it, you can break it, break it

I just can't get too much of you, baby

It's never, it's never enough, never enough

It's never enough, never enough

 Unfinished 11/17/2015

I closed the book and walked out of my room. She grabbed her book out of my hand and pushed me. She was obviously writing this about  me, and it's kinda weird how obsessed she is. I walked down the stairs not saying a word to her. She's pathetic. Writing love songs to her best friend. 

"Ross what the hell?" She yells behind me following me. 

"Just leave me alone, okay?! I know you wrote that song for me and it's really creepy! You know I'm with Laura and you make me sick!" I shout at her. She had tears in her eyes. 

"What the hell is your problem? You're so fucking self absorbed! I wasn't writing that song for you! None of my songs are for you, asshole!" She yells making me laugh. Now she's denying it.

"You're actually pathetic." I say making her push past me. She grabs her purse, phone and shoves her book in her bag. 

"Fuck you Ross." She says quietly walking out the door. She leaves by slamming the door. I can't believe she likes me that much. 

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