Chapter 5

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Rocky's POV

Sometimes I wonder why I do things. Why did I just yell at Austin that day? I should have been with him. Now Im still with Harry and I think he only wants me for sex. But Im saving my virginity until Im married!

"Hey babe" He says kissing me and then my neck I pull back.

"Hi Harry" I say

"Im sick and tierd of you being a bitch to me" He says getting closer

"Im NOT a bitch" I start "you jerk" I wisper. He pushes me and I fall and hit my head.

"Wanna say that again?" He ask. I shake my head no. He grabs me hair and pulls me upstairs to his room. He locks the door

"What are you gonna do to me?" I ask. He grins

"Well duh have sex" He says getting closer.

"Harry stop" I say going under the bed. He pulls me out and pins me. "HARRY PLEASE DONT!" I shout crying.He smiles.

"Shhhh." He says "It WILL be fun" He says.

"HARRY PLEASE" I cry kicking. He ignores me and starts taking off my clothes. Until we are both fully naked. He smiles, as I cry my eyes out...And he does it. He raped me. He told me to go in the bathroom and put my clothes on and I cant open the front door because an alarm will go off. I walk to the bathroom and lock the door. I put my clothes on and look at myself. How did I let this happen? Its Christmas eve and I just got raped. I look out the window and cry. I grab my bag and I was about to open the door when I heard him knock on the door. I turned and hopped out the window. I ran with my bag to Austin's house and knocked on the door. I knocked harder and faster when I saw Harry running to me. Austin opened the door and I ran in and locked the door. I pull Austin upstairs to his room.

"What the hell?" Austin says as I lock the door

"Harry raped me" I say burring my face in my hands crying, until I feel a muscular warm body hugging me

"Its okay, everything will be okay, Im here" He says kissing my for head. I smile.

"WHY DID I LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU" He shouts letting go of me punching the wall. I walk to him.

"Its not your fault" I tell him. He turns to me and smiles. Harry bursts in. Austin grabs my waist and kisses me roughly as I try to kiss him as roughly as he's kissing me. I jump on him and he hold me by putting his hands underneath my butt. Harry leaves. But we continue kissing.

"Hey Austi- Wow sweet nibblets" We hear someone say and we stop and look to see Ally and Cece. I look at Austin and he looks at me we give each other the 'What do I say/do' look. We look at them.

"We were just.." I start

"Making out" Austin say. We look at each other. I give him the 'I think they noticed' look. We look at them.

"Its so cute that my ex bf and bestie are making out" Ally says. When did Ally and Austin break up. I smille. We go in the basement and watch 'How The Grinch Stole Christmas'. I snuggled with Austin. Cece snuggled with Ayden and Ally was with a guy named Dallas. I love being in my bestfriends, no I mean my boyfriend's arms.

"I love you" Austin wispers

"I love you too" I say and start kissing him.

"Ya know were still in the room!" Everyone else says, even Austin's sybling that came down. Austin and I stop kissing

"Well excuse us!" Austin and I say dramatically. We all laugh.

BEST CHRISTMAS EVE EVER!! Except the raping part...

((A/N:Hope you guys liked it! Enjoy! This was fun writing! Rocky+Austin=Raustin!?! READ, VOTE, and COMMENT! Peace!!!))

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